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widsom teeth (poll)

AVEN #1 fan

how many teeths have you?   

201 members have voted

  1. 1. do you have your widsom teeth?

    • yes, all 4 in place
    • no, I had to extract 1
    • no, I had to extract 2
    • no, I had to extract 3
    • no, I extracted them all
    • yes, but only 1 grew
    • yes but only 2 grew
    • yes but only 3 grew
    • I was born without them
    • I don't know
    • I have some of them implanted
    • they haven't grown yet
  2. 2. has wisdom teeth caused you any issues already?

    • yes
    • no
    • I don't have them

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On 8/12/2017 at 7:11 AM, kenmas-face said:


I have to get mine out soon and it's like hell outside 

Because you need to cool your cheek(s) afterwards and it being hot as eff does not help that a lot. 

The second time it wasn't as hot and it was a lot better.

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Apathetic Echidna

So I have all 4 of mine in-place in my mouth and I said there haven't been problems which is only partially true. They were sharp when they came through and I ended up slicing my cheeks quite a lot, but now scars have formed everything is fine. 

Actually my dentist took xrays and said I would have to have them removed but couldn't tell me what was wrong with them (nothing was wrong). Most of my immediate family are severely lacking in molars so I grew up hearing 'keep as many teeth as possible' so I fought my dentist then got a new dentist. No problems beyond pointy new teeth being pointy. 

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I have answered born without, however that is a guess based on the fact that they never came (in my late 20s now) but I've never been xrayed to check.

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You could have them even if they have not yet decided to grow in yet. My mother has her wisdom teeth, confirmed through x-ray, but none of them have ever started growing in. Her mother's didn't erupt until she was in her 70's.

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Wisdom teeth are unnecessary for me. I dont have room in my mouth for them at all. I have put off extracting them since I dont like surgeries. But one tooth decided to erupt at strange angle and because of that food got stuck and eventually, it infected the neighboring good-tooth. Now I have had to get root canal done for it and remove the offending wisdom tooth. 


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I was in the unfortunate circumstance where I didn't get them removed, and they destroyed my molars. Resulting in me missing all of my molars and wisdom teeth after a 3 hour conscious surgery. Where they had to use a pry bar and pliers to remove them all because my roots were so strong, and the teeth were all cracked.


I had endured years of chronic tooth pain, and overdosed on pain killers because of it. I'm also resistant to anesthesia, which didn't help with my surgery.



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I ended up being born with missing teeth, wisdom teeth included. I ended up getting xrayed fairly often as a kid, and eventually the dentist told me I had no wisdom teeth. Not that i'm complaining, means I don't have to deal with surgery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have all 4 of mine and none have grown in. The dentist said they're not moving so I guess they're here for now ????

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I grew 3 and as of yet have had the 2 upper ones removed. They grew towards my cheeks, so there was a lot of uncomfortable chewing, which was the main reason to have them extracted. Other than that they haven't cause any real trouble apart from some pain when they were growing. The extraction was also not as bad as I thought it would be.


That said... The third one is growing horizontally towards my other molar, and has erupted a teensy bit, so that one probably has to be extracted on some gory way. (My dentist once described in great detail how they'd have to cut it open, break the molar, and then wrench it out...  I can tell you, that's not the best thing to tell someone with a slight fear of dentists :lol: - needless to say, I put my referral off for 4 years and counting)

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I had my upper 2 wisdom teeth removed when I was 25, they were causing pain when chewing. My bottom wisdom teeth never came in.

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Despite the fact that dentists had been telling me for years that my wisdom teeth were coming in just fine and completely straight, I skipped going to the dentist for several years (due to a combination of poor finances, lack of time, and general medical anxiety), and then when I went back at age 26 I was told that they all had to come out. However, what the orthodontist told me was then that the top two were partially horizontal and crowding my molars (which explained some things I'd been feeling), but the lower two came in both completely horizontal and underneath the gums entirely, so taking them out would've been more trouble than it was worth.


So I had the top two out, and still have the bottom two. It'll be a real pain if I ever need those out, so I'm hoping that I won't... but kind of expecting that some day I will. The top two were bad enough; apparently they're not kidding that it tends to be a worse experience if one is already over 25 when they have to come out.


I actually have felt a lot better in the last year-and-a-half with the top wisdom teeth out, since my molars aren't crowded any more and everything feels better. So, although it was unpleasant and my insurance didn't cover it (which was an unpleasant surprise), I don't regret having it done.

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Hermit Advocate

Got them all pulled.

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Don't seem to have any? Or they're not coming out. My dad also doesn't have them (or his also didn't come out?). I'm 27, so maybe they should show up by now, but nothing. Keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way; I'm perfectly fine without having them.

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The days after extraction were pure hell. Only liquid food and drinking ibuprofen like it was beer. Got in 2 times all 4 out by surgeon using also whole set of knives. Second time not enough anaestatics. Ouuuchhh 

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i had two of them taken out before the grew in because they were coming in at an angle. the other two grew in straight, but i had to get them out a few years later since they were decaying because i couldn't floss or get the toothbrush back there well enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have all four of mine in the right place - not impacted or anything, but only 2 have made it above the gum. One of them has crowned completely and the other is about 1/3 crowned, but based on the recent dull ache when prodded, it's attempting to make a full appearance (which will make it a hell of a lot easier to clean than it is right now <_<). Get the occasional, and occasionally severe, bout of earache/sore gums, though. The earache was so bad one day that I thought i had an ear infection - 2 days before my final (and most important) university exam, too :mad:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Oh, you'll need to get these out!" Over a decade later, haven't bothered me. They said I'd need braces; stopped going because we were poor, went back years later to new dentists. "Your teeth are so straight! You must've had braces!" I felt like a tiny ball of hate. xD


I had one dentist who was super cool people though. Great to his patients, great to employees, great track record. He doesn't take my insurance, or I wouldn't see anybody else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One fully grown, another growing, the lower ones will never grow because of their position - or so I've been told.

No issues so far, and I'm hoping very much for it to stay that way. Although many people keep warning me I'm going to have trouble - on the other hand these people are not my dentist. But the problem is, a wisdom tooth is very hard to brush.

Dreaming that some quick and painless method of extraction will soon be discovered...

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I still have all four, only one is poking out though.. was told to leave them in because they aren't positioned oddly or causing any issues..  

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Oooh boy. Mine were just awful. They were growing in crooked, like most people's do, but I waited too long before I did anything, and they caused a lot of problems. The top ones never became a problem, but the lower ones ended up barely poking out of my gums, which means part of them were sticking out, and the other halves of them were still in my gums, so every time I'd take a bite of food it'd be like I was biting my gums. Sooo painful. Also, they crowded my lower row of teeth. Luckily that damage wasn't really that bad at all, but now my two lower front teeth kinda lay on top of each other very slightly, but it's enough to where it hurts sometimes.


I got them all removed years ago thankfully, but it really was just awful. Moral is, when your dentist informs you ahead of time that your wisdom teeth are gonna be a problem, listen to them and arrange to get them removed as soon as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Three of mine had come out of the gums, but one was still in the jaw.  That was TERRIBLE.  I didn't have much trouble with the three that were free, but the one they had to dig for caused me such terrible pain after the surgery.  I didn't want to take vicodin because I didn't know if I'd throw it up, and I couldn't think of much worse than vomiting when there are gaping holes in my mouth.


It was funny after when we went to Wendy's for a frosty because I distinctly remember the woman working asked if we wanted one without us saying.  She could see the thing around my face and must have had a few come through in the past.



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I've never had any removed, so I assume I have them all. They've never caused me any problems.

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J. van Deijck

I haven't even noticed when my wisdom teeth have grown. so many people complain about it being really painful, and I felt nothing. one day I just realised I had them.

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I had all 4 removed as they were coming in sideways and would have damaged the roots of my other teeth.


They did not come up so my dentist had to dig for them... it sucked.

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Getting them removed, likely at Christmas Break ;-; 

A scared human is me.

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fyi, I just read "wisdom teeth (pull)".

I never had problems with these and only seem to have two.

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I only had 1 (left lower jaw)

grew and came out

was an annoyance and often bit the inside of my cheek with it

wisdom crap started to hurt on a Sunday afternoon

hell till Monday morning and a mighty co-worker phoned up the emergency dentist as I couldn't even speak anymore and drove me to the dentist

dentist took 2 pics, he didn't believe me when I told him it was my wisdom tooth therefore the 2nd picture

Oh my god after the 2nd pic and double local anesthesia to make sure, the dentist said


If I had known I would have had that crap removed a long time before it started to split in two at the base.

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I had mine extracted in the mid-80s when I was in my 20s. Not sure of the exact reason, but I think they were crowding my other teeth.

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