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What does cis mean?


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I have read here and at other places the term being used. What is it? With respect to gender and sexuality?

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Short for cisgender, opposite of trans.  Your gender aligns with your sex.

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I don't think I am clear about it. If I am female, that makes me cisfemale? And why the need for the term?

Has it got anything to do with sexuality? If so, how?

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for example, if i was born female and i have female genitals, and I felt that i should be female. that would be cis. When my gender identity lines up with my born sex. 


the term is simply to identify those whos gender identity lines up with their sex


It doesnt really have anything to do with sexuality, its more a gender identity term

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If you identify and feel as female (as you were born), yes. You are cisfemale - cisgendered. Cis is basically the gender version of allo (as in alloromantic or allosexual, the 'majority' orientation so to speak). Normally people don't use it/them, but in context to other genders it may be helpful.

ex) my friend is confused about nonbinary. My cisfriend is confused about nonbinary.


See above for reference to sexuality. Separate.

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Put as simply as I possibly can


Sex = the parts you got at birth

Gender = what you feel you are on the inside


Cisgender = the parts you got correspond with your gender

Transgender = the parts you got don't entirely correspond with your gender



Has it got anything to do with sexuality? If so, how?

Directly, no

but by extension, yes possibly.  People who feel like they're in the wrong body are quite likely to have that affect their sexuality in some way or another, whether innately or through how other potential (sexual) partners relate to them.

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1 hour ago, Pooja said:

I don't think I am clear about it. If I am female, that makes me cisfemale? And why the need for the term?

Has it got anything to do with sexuality? If so, how?

Yes, with the way "cis" is used that'd be appropriate. As for need of the term... it's not needed necessarily in the wider world most of the time, but it seems to come in hand for those in the trans community or in conversations about gender or trans issues as a quick way to differentiate between individuals whose sex and gender already line up and trans (male sex/female gender, etc.) alignment.


It's mostly prevalent on this site because we have a large trans community and that's common lingo in their conversations. :)

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1 hour ago, Pooja said:

I don't think I am clear about it. If I am female, that makes me cisfemale? And why the need for the term?

Has it got anything to do with sexuality? If so, how?

The term is used because not every female is cisgender. There are cisgender females, who were born female, and then there are transgender/transsexual females, who were born male (or sometimes intersex). It's just for clarification.

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Okay. Getting a hang of it now. Thanks guys for writing ☺

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