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Attraction to people that look Female?


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I disagreed with you on the subject that’s correct! But that isn’t bitching.
No worries I do I still think it’s ridiculous though, deal with it! And I don’t act as if I were on a pedestal and don’t think I am; I don’t even understand where you got that notion from but I don’t actually care.


Yes, right, my interpretation. Not reading issues but another perspective and opinion than yours. Well spotted! 

Haha, wtf I am not even on bloody tumblr and I don’t care about those ridiculous 1 million terms for made up sexual orientations and genders.
My simple point was that gynesexual/-romatic means being attracted to women only and androsexual/-romantic means being attracted to men only. Nothing else. 

Cool story bro.  Still waiting on what you think is a more applicable term for the OP to use.


Because you still haven't provided a sufficient enough argument for why gyne- isn't applicable, despite, y'know, the OP mentioning "female" over and over.

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