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Ok, so we all have some VERY SERIOUS questions we are dying to have answered. And finally, we are going to get people to let us know what's up!


Here's what you do, answer the VERY SERIOUS question that the last person asked. Find out the actual answer, or make it up, doesn't matter, just answer it because it's VERY SERIOUS.


I'll start!


My VERY SERIOUS question is:


Do elephants ever spend time thinking about what lions think about?

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I think elephants are aware of lions as existing, but probably just in the sense of "potential danger." I don't entirely believe that animals "think" so much as react or feel.  I think their minds are always on their environment and their connection to it. They do feel grief, like when a family member dies, but I think it's more of a thing of recognizing a change in their environment, as opposed to "death" the way we think of it. I'm not sure the elephants even recognize lions as another life form, but rather like an aggressive weather pattern.


But that's my opinion without doing any research.



When do you think Italians realized their country was shaped like a boot? What was their reaction?

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Fabulous Mermaid

It probably became apparent when airplanes became a thing. Then, they can get an aerial view. Or maybe when they just started mapping out the territory. They were probably like, LOL bruh. That's just my theories, though. Also no research, xD


If the thumb of your right hand were on the opposite side of your hand, would that make your right hand a left hand?

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I don't think so. The muscles in your forearms determine a lot about how your hands work. For many people, opening jars with their left hand actually works better, despite being right-handed, because of the force you can exert turning your hand outward instead of inward.



What do you think your native language sounds like to people who don't speak it?


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A lot of sh/ch/th/zh/gh sounds. When they learn the language I'd imagine they are surprised those are not their own letters in the alphabet.


Why does the icing/dip/whatever taste better when you're wiping the very last bit of it from the edge of the container and licking it off your finger, rather than its intended use or method of serving?

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I think the metal of utensils changes the flavor of foods. I also think that when you know you're getting the last of something, you cherise/desire it more. Sort of like, 90% of the cravings you get are for things that aren't in your house.



Why do so many movies embrace the idea of people doing anything they can in order to achieve immortality? Are there really people out there who want to live forever?

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I think that people fear death, so the promise of immortality keeps them from that fear. I also think most stories that speak of immortality also add in eternal youth, which might be even more desired. I do think there are people that want to indeed live forever, especially if they can stay young.


How many times a day does a single person type the letter "e?"

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Never. It's never happened.


What is love?

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Fabulous Mermaid

The free samples at a bakery, hehe.


Why is it called a spelling bee, and not a spelling wasp?

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"Bee is derived from the Old English bēn meaning “a prayer, a favor.” By the late eighteenth century, bee had become commonly associated with the British dialect form, been or bean, referring to the joining of neighbors to work on a single activity to help a neighbor in need: sewing bee, quilting bee, etc." Source: http://blog.dictionary.com/spelling-bee/


What did the first song made by humans sound like?

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Why is can't I lift myself up off the ground (like without holding onto something other than me)?

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Because you've never tried to jump before


When and where was the line "it's not you, it's me" first used?

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I am giving no evidence, but logically yes. The fact they show depression when a close friend leaves/dies. 

Fun side note, you know Dogs will know where a person is buried? Evidently it's because they smell of the person leaks into the ground (and stays there for a looooong time), and so they actually know that the person are there, dead.


Why is it that Llamas are not bright green?

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No good reason, but there is a reason...


They are colored to best blend into their environment, for which bright green would not help.


Would my life be as great as I imagine if I could take my teeth out and clean them individually then reinstall them, similar keys on a computer key board?

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I doubt it, as you'd still, I'd imagine have to clean them often, and no doubt you would eventually lose one, or two or all of them, unless of course you can just get new teeth, then yes your life would probably be greater as no more or less dentist visits, unless you really like dentist visits :P ... 


why does "great" rhyme with "eight" and not "eat" despite "eat" and "great" ending in the same three letters?... 

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Probably because English is a mishmash of several languages, and different words have different etymologies. Some come from Latin, Greek, French, Saxons, Celts, even Punjabi to name but a few. 


What came first, the colour orange or the fruit orange 

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The fruit.


How long would it take one silkworm to make enough silk for a standard pillowcase?

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Of course he does, that's why he wags his tail whenever you ask.


What was the 47th state to join the union?

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I believe it was the suprise state as it didn't expect to join a such a large group civil union.


Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?

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Maybe, but personally I think that there should be more varied job opportunities available for a woodchuck.  After all, we ARE in the 21st century, the time of equal opportunities and stuff!


Does my bum look big in this?

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No, it nicely compliments your already fantastic looking shape.


What is a fact I would never believe about China?

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The fact you have a tatoo across the back of your neck that says "Made In China".  You thought you were made in Taiwan!


A question every child has asked at some point:  Why?

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No, they sturggled over the age old queation, what came first? The fetus or the person?


So with that in mind? What will came first? My can of deodrant or my chocolate bar?

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