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what is the meaning of life?

binary suns

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binary suns

what do you find to be the meaning of life? 


I am curious, I want to know what people say to explain the meaning of life. 

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42 :P

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I think you can split the question into multiple questions... and you'll get multiple answers...  Like "What is the meaning of human life?" "What is my role as a human?" "What is the meaning of human on a larger scale?"


Good example of what I mean is "I feel absolutely fine while eating meat, knowing that both plants and animals are made of the same particles (atoms)".. There are just multiple contexts. At least human and universal..


So, if you're asking "What is the meaning of life?".. you can ask also "Meaning for who? or "What is your understanding of the word LIFE?"


I do not really know the answer though:D.. I'm kind of getting clear on what's my role among other people recently. That's enough for me now I guess.

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This is one of those questions that invites satirical answers. But I would say that what matters to me is for life to be interesting. I pursue interesting ideas, experiences, etc.

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I think for me it's about learning and then other things naturally blossom out of my experiences. When I focus on learning from life (good stuff and especially struggles) then I stay curious and more open/present. I think all of that exploration and discovery has to "go somewhere", so I also think life is about being creative and expressing my thoughts and feelings in some meaningful way. Also at the core: kindness, compassion, trying to understand, and make others feel like they matter/belong. 

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Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. And, finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy, which it seems is the only way these days to get the jaded, video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment? Bollocks. What they want is filth: people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats. 



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This question again. :P There is no what, there is only why. 


Rambling thoughts:


Life exists in the reaction to something else. What that is, I do not know. Everything exists in cycles, and that includes the universe, and life. Which is why I have reason to believe in reincarnation or some form of it. Not as an afterlife, but as transformation.


You exist, because you have to exist. Your existence is what holds dimensions together. Your atoms that is. You are a pivotal point that remains constant, that exists in multiple dimensions, and producing more dimensions depending on your decisions in different timelines all at the same completed "time" (There is no beginning or end). There is more than one you, in many different forms. In many different dimensions. 


Time doesn't exist. If you think about that for a moment, then what is it we observe if time doesn't exist? We are actually simply perceiving information in a 3rd dimensional progressive state. BUT, our "timelines" have already been completed. You are living in every moment of your life, at the same time in multiple different dimensions. You are both alive and dead, and depending on what part of the 4th dimensional string your existence takes place in, will determine what part of your perception you are currently viewing.


If we really have connected atoms through quantum entanglement, the how much of  you in influenced by your entanglements? What if there really is such thing as destiny and fate because of it? 


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I think for everyone the meaning of life is different. But to me the meaning of life is learning how to take one step at a time. And perseve through obstacles and grow from them. Live every second without regret and laugh as much as possible. Even when you feel there's nothing to laugh about. 

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The meaning of life is whatever you make. It's different for different people. :)

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🚘 🚂 🐌 🐕 🖥 🍫

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You are energy, with a brain, to understand consequences. Your all giving a certain amount of creative energies, and how you implement this, is upto you.

Animals, creative energies are only there to reproduce.

But humans, have a mind that interprets the world, in a way we understand we exist, and we have an impact.

So for me the meaning of life is.

You as a human have a brain, plus creative energies to do what you want with those energies. How this effects the reality of the universe does not really matter.

The ptb know this, and want you to focus on the wrong stuff, plus use your creative energies in the wrong way. This is why they made sports, so you can all pant for your team, and waste alot of your energies on things that do not matter.

So for me the meaning of life is
1) You have a mind that knows it exists, and you exist, and you have consequences in this world, just by existing.
2) You are given a certain amount of creative energies when your born, to implement things into the reality of the world.

So those two things combined are what you are here for. How the universe evolves does not really matter, just that your all creating the future, just by being here.

The ptb do not want you to know this, and they want you to waste your energies on things that do not matter. Thats the biggest reason for sports, ie to waste your energies, on things that have no meaning to the world, beyond your teams.


Remember that means, you play a part on how your life goes, but your in a world with 7 billion others, whom are also trying to make a life for themselves. This is where alot go wrong, in that they cannot understand the bigger picture.

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I donno.


Try to be nice to other people and help them out if you can?


I don't think there is any inherent meaning in life but that doesn't mean you should despair over it, it should dive you to create meaning. 


Like Mulan szechuan dipping sauce. 



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Hell if I know. I'm just waiting until I can die 

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Comrade F&F

I had a very wise woman tell me today:


"We can't find the 'meaning of life'. We have to go forth and create it."


We create our life meaning, it's not pre-set for us.

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"Life" has no meaning, just like death has no meaning.  It just happens.

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Knight of Cydonia

I don't think there is a "meaning of life". That would imply some ulterior force put us here or influenced our creation, but I think life just happened, probably by chance and evolution.

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On 18/04/2017 at 1:26 AM, borkfork said:

Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. And, finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy, which it seems is the only way these days to get the jaded, video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment? Bollocks. What they want is filth: people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats. 



But is life just a game where we make up the rules
While we're searching for something to say
Ore are we just simply spiralling coils
Of self-replicating DNA ?

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Your mission on earth is to reproduce, just like what our parent, other organism did. So that your children could ask the same question again. And yourself could probably ask what is the meaning of reproduction? ( which to me the whole reproduce bit of life is dumb)


Our existence is purely the result of right condition. Would you ask what is the meaning of supernova or black-holes? 


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Life is like an unassembled abacus. It's what you make of it that counts.

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3 minutes ago, Woodworker1968 said:

Life is like an unassembled abacus. It's what you make of it that counts.

You managed to make both a deep comment and a punny; congratulations sir 🍪

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I honestly don't believe there is one :P


I think many humans really want there to be.


The beautiful thing about there being no meaning is that you can choose your own and make whatever you want out of your life. Ultimate freedom :)

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That is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.

Hahaha i always looove to quote that whenever i see a tread like this.

No i believe that the meaning of life is the meaning YOU give it. The meaning you give it yourself is what the meaning of life is. Whether its in science or love or even being the best you can possibly be. The impact you can have on a person by making them smile, even once, is a big one. This is something i believe in and will keep on believing.

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The real question is, what drives molecules to form life to begin with? If you think about it, life is quite a bizarre phenomenon. Why did molecules link together? What is the first form of life before microbes? Is it life? Why could those microbes form to begin with? I don't really buy that atoms smashed together long enough and eventually stuck together as something alive. 


Then with evolution, why does everything evolve the same way? Smart evolution seems a bit strange, and curious.

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9 minutes ago, スバル said:

Then with evolution, why does everything evolve the same way? Smart evolution seems a bit strange, and curious.

How do you mean? If you mean convergent evolution it's because the environment makes certain similar traits more successful.

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In short: I think Life has no meaning... 


in long: Life is a thing, because it can be, it came into existence most likely just because it did, no deeper meaning, no destiny, no nothing, just it could and at the moment of it's start it was the most likely thing to happen and therefore happened, like the way most things things happen in the universe...

But I mean, if you're talking about what is the meaning/purpose of any lifeform, my answer changes. The purpose of any lifeform, I believe is simply to in someway insure the survival of ' genetic code and therefore preserve the survival of "life", this can be in many different ways, doesn't have to be direct, but everything you do came into being from lifeforms for generations preserving their genetics, be that in direct or indirect or very indirect ways, and all lifeforms have evolved to be the best they need to be to preserve life, life in and of itself is still meaningless though... now the purpose/meaning of your* life is however whatever you chose to give or not give it...  

I guess you could also just say life's meaning is to simply exist and to continue existing until it doesn't... 


*not actually talking to any specific person...

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to spread spiders across the universe.

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Everything that happens to us seems so significant: what our peers think of us, how we should live our lives based on social norms/expectations, what or how we should(n't) think, how we should interact with others, etc. We do certain things because they are deemed important to us for whatever reason. We evolved from billions of years of evolution and continue to carry on life's legacy to live and procreate. I really dislike it when people try to make evolution seem like it's some kind of omnipotent being that "decided" what the best characteristics are. Evolution doesn't have any kind of agenda; it's informed by the environment and by chance. It's just a process and, somewhere along that process, humans happened.


With the power of science, we learned a lot about our planet and space. And the reality is that we're incontestably small, standing on a big piece of space rock floating hurling across space at 30km/hr. Not only that, but there are millions of other floating rocks located far beyond our comprehension. The reality is that we, as humans in the grand scheme of things, are insignificant. Every single important world leader could die tomorrow, send our world into chaos and it wouldn't change how the planet moves across space. Nothing we do matters.


If nothing matters, what's stopping you from being the best version of you? Or accepting who you are? Being able to discern what matters to you so you are fulfilled? Wanting to improve the lives of other people? For me, the answer is that you are the only one stopping yourself. We are made out of the atoms of stars; you have the power.


You have one life. Nothing matters in the end, so live your life to the fullest. 

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