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Help? Idk

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I think I'm gray ace/asexual but I consider myself straight and have no desire to be considered apart of the LGBTQ+ community.....is that okay? Like, is that fine? I'm not even totally sure that I'm ace and I'm just really nervous about slapping a label on it. Idk haha. I'm just confused and kind of nervous about everything. Any sort of advice would be really cool if anyone has time.

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All of that is up to you, that is choice you have to make for yourself. That said what you call yourself isn't going to change anything about your being, you will still be you. I am not going push you one way or another, but if you do see yourself as asexual a community can be a wonderful resource. That said like the label it is up to you if you want to use that resource. None of this is all or nothing, use as much of it as you need to find your peace of mind. At the end of the day you need to decide what is best for you.

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chair jockey

Thinking that you're ace and then realizing that you're not is something that does happen to people, and they're still fine after it happens.

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3 hours ago, nah lmao said:

Thank you, that makes me feel better. I'm just afraid of like thinking I'm ace then realizing I'm not??? I dunno. 

If identifying as ace will help you right now, please feel free to do so. No one will be offended or upset if you later decide that you're something else. We all understand that discovering your sexual identity is an ongoing process, so don't worry about being wrong.

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Sexuality/asexuality and attraction are fluid for a lot of people. People often change over time, so why couldn't various aspects of people also change? And if, for example, someone identifies as bisexual for a time, but realizes they're straight or gay, their orientation remains absolutely valid. Same with a/sexuality. Maybe you feel graysexuality makes sense now -- that's valid, and that's you! In the future you may remain the same, or identify more as asexual or allosexual, but whatever happens it will still be you and your truth. Don't stress! Just do what works for you right now, because you can't predict the future. (Really, who can say they'll know exactly how they feel 20 years from now?) 

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