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^^I wouldn't know what a sexual technique is :P

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  • 1 month later...

Probably the overall repulsion I feel towards humans.

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I'm totally blind in situation when someone flirt with me. I don't notice this at all and even someone told me about it I only shrug my arms and ignore it.


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26 minutes ago, mari123 said:

I'm totally blind in situation when someone flirt with me. I don't notice this at all and even someone told me about it I only shrug my arms and ignore it.


Can't relate more to this part, last time a co worker told me i was the  cutest girl he ever met (i'm female at birth) and the only thing i could ask him if he got his eyes up his ass or something...


I think my repulsion plays a big part on how i react on others flirting with me :P 

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Just the fact that i am 28 and a virgin and have no plan in changing that. 


And i am quite sure that I have never been hit on.

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4 minutes ago, Kimmie. said:

Just the fact that i am 28 and a virgin and have no plan in changing that. 

I can't agree more to this 

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Seeing people fan editing pics of actors with "I need sex." or talking how yummy they are and thinking "They aren't pieces of food. Geez why don't you talk about how funny they were in those interviews or how much they love their fans? Is sex the only thing you ppl see?"

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11 hours ago, Saesha said:

Seeing people fan editing pics of actors with "I need sex." or talking how yummy they are and thinking "They aren't pieces of food. Geez why don't you talk about how funny they were in those interviews or how much they love their fans? Is sex the only thing you ppl see?"

Yeah...My all celebrity crushes are always people who are inteligent, funny and they represent  themselves things that are important to me. 

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Not getting celebrity crushes must be a fairly asexual part of me 

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J. van Deijck

my brain.

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I do not experience any sexual attraction. I have experienced romantic attraction, and do experience aesthetic attraction, but the sex thing...zero. And for me, this is a normal state. I was married to a sexual man for over ten years, so I have had sex, and that was never normal for me, even though I have no issues with sex in and of itself (in other words, I am not sex repulsed).

So yeah, Ace :) 

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My right big toe is the most asexual thing about me. When I wear sandals it's like whoa big ace coming out party all over the place. In your face ace.

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My aversion to touch. My behavior.

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My attitude towards my body. I could not tolerate having any sexual characteristics beyond the - to me - rather beautiful proportions of the female frame.

I love being totally feminine and at the same time an absolutely sexless girl, totally flat front and rear. Even so it is strictly 'no see - no touch', my girlfriend helps me so I never ever have to look at or touch myself anywhere without full gym clothes.

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Autumn Season

Two things (sorry if it's cheating but I'm too lazy to choose one).

(1) Whenever I read/ see/ hear a story, I frequently think "But what if the main character didn't want to be hit on/ touched/ surprised like this/ ..."?

(2) When I am fantasizing about romantic relationships, even though I am conditioned to use the base system (first base kiss, second base make out and so on), I find it impossible to imagine the characters enjoying sex. Even if I don't explicitly imagine the sex part and jump to "the morning after", it still seems like something went wrong in the story line. "Why would they have sex anyway?" is something I can't help but thinking in spite of knowing lots of reasons why somebody would.

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Semtex in August

My friend said a girl liked me, she approached me and said we should go out for drinks and I immediately said absolutely, we will get a group of people together it will be fun, the more the merrier...


after she had left my friend had a palm to face moment and said....semtex in august, you are hopeless...


I said


Waat??? I thought I was being nice to the girl  

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Autumn Season
5 hours ago, Semtex in August said:

My friend said a girl liked me, she approached me and said we should go out for drinks and I immediately said absolutely, we will get a group of people together it will be fun, the more the merrier...


after she had left my friend had a palm to face moment and said....semtex in august, you are hopeless...


I said


Waat??? I thought I was being nice to the girl  


Actually that's a great way to politely friendszone another without having to figure out first whether they are even interested in that way or not. *makes mental note*

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TBH the most asexual thing about me certainly isn't my sense of humour :P:blush::blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to forget that sexiness even exists. Now people won't let me forget that.

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Vicky Angel

I am waaaaaaay too single

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The fact that in Health class my teacher said, "Now I'm sure all of you are either sexually active or planning on being sexually active..." and I almost started giggling because that didn't apply to me. 

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my total utter lack of reaction to people touching me..  Like i know that was supposed to feel nice.. but seriously give up. 
That i think was the moment i realised that.. Idonotandwon'teverhavethesexytimes XD

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I don't have celebrity crushes either. I can't even remember celebrities names for that matter.


Also, I do engage in sexual activities with my friend but for some reason he keeps asking this questions during that time and it goes something like this:

Friend: how much did you think about this?

me: what? Making out?

F: yeah

me: uhhh... I don't really think about it...

F: but you think of me right? You think about someone?

me: ..... no... (´ - ` )

F: oh... (   ˙-˙)


F: when was the last time you masturbated?

me: uuummmmhhh..... last... week???   ƪ(. _ .)ʃ 

F: (   ˙-˙)....

me: umm... yesterday??? (Obviously lying)

F: are you lying? (   ˙-˙)....

me: why do you keep asking me this questions?! I don't want to hurt you or start lying so you don't feel bad! ( •ૅㅁ• )


I don't get it. It's weird. I guess he is fascinated or something or he doesn't believe me.

oh well... it doesn't affect our friendship thankfully and the reason I do it is because he likes what we do. ƪ(. _ .)ʃ 

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My obliviousness to flirting :D

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10 hours ago, Lar said:

I don't have celebrity crushes either. I can't even remember celebrities names for that matter.

Same here ... It's like I know they are playing, it isn't them so I don't really need/want to know them... 

I really don't like when people ask you who your favorite acter is... I don't know don't care ... 

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Elftober Country

Er... besides the obvious, I have no idea, probably the very fact that I have a user account on this site. 

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I am considered an innocent child to most of my peers and one of the reasons for that is I don't understand most sexual things. They almost always go over my head.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The fact that until like 7 months ago I thought sexual attraction was a joke (I'm 16). I found out that it's real when my friend was like "I'd bang that dude right here right now" and I confusedly said "what the hell are you talking about" she then replied with "you know what I'm talking about!" And I honestly had no idea like how can you want to have sex with someone just by seeing them? Then she looked me dead in the eyes and said "You know being sexually attracted to people!?" And I literally laughed and was like "that's not a thing.." she then looked at me and stated that yes it's a real thing that just about everyone feels. That's when I realized that it wasn't a joke and almost everyone but myself was sexually attracted to other people. That's the most asexual thing about me 

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