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Not ashamed, experienced


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It's hell when you are an asexual and you fall in love easily as snapping your fingers. 

Usually it's better to tell your crush that you have one for him/her but you are not going to do anything about it because you know it couldn't work for your asexuality-being. Then it's easier to go on with a friendship. 

But if and just if there is this one who tells you about his/her crush on you before you have a chance for this. What would you do?


I gave it a go. 

I fought with myself and soon I found this demi-type of personality in me. It was fun, gentle and joyful half year. 
Then, one night, when the love of your life, the one who you have been fighting for, tells that it may be better to be just friends. How would that feel?


It feels like everything I did was worthless. It isn't so I know, but this is what it feels like. 

And why? If this break up made him sad too, why did we have to go to this?


I swear across my poor broken heart. That I will never try this again.

Never have I been this sad over a crush or love or whatever it was.


Does anyone know how this dark cloud could be driven away from my head? Which of you have same kind of experiences? Does anyone? I bet.

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I wish I could help.... I have this horrid habit of falling in love way too easily....


I just spent 3 months getting close to someone by emails.. I thought we would be together... Turns out to all be BS, and she just wants to keep things on email and nothing else... I need a cuddle... much stupidness ensued. 




I only have one answer.. fall in love with me <grin>... I'll totally not want to have sex with you. I'll not want to do it every night. I will not keep you up all night... The worst you can expect from me is a dead arm from cuddling. 


<gets all dreamy>..

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