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How much does Asexuality permeate your identity?

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Darth Tribble

I just want to be an ordinary person who is uninterested in sex, but family and society won't accept that.

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Me, a member of society? Hilarious.


Anyway, I think it makes sense that the more something sets someone apart or the more difficult it makes things for them, the more likely they are to identify strongly with it. A low percentage of people are asexual, meaning it's uncommon, and for some it creates a lot of struggle. 


For me I'd say asexuality is moderately permeating. It definitely sets me apart from the average, and I think of myself as an "ace", but my gender, anxiety, and depression have an even greater effect on me since those cause the most problems.




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I would say my asexuality is a key part of my identity, just like anything else about my gender, sexuality, or general personality.  Which facet of my sexuality I think of most depends highly on the context, but being ace, being panromantic, and being polyamorous are all of equal importance to me.  I would not be the same person were you to take away any of these traits.

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Guest Jetsun Milarepa

I just realised recently that being ace does affect my life considerably. For example, when the women at work are huddled up , drooling over some man, I can't join in. Also, when they are discussing make up, hair ,sexy clothing, dates, celebrity gossip, I can't join in. Most of the basis of the chatting has sexual undertones. Same when some of the men get together it's the same. A lot of conversations revolve around relationships - the finding and keeping of one, the pain of having one.


In  a lot of ways, I'm immune to all the dramas, but there never seems to be anything else to discuss, so , yes, I feel that being ace really affects my life!


Mind you, when I get together with other aces...whole worlds of other topics open up and I can discuss books, film, theatre, other interests than getting and keeping a partner. It's a breath of fresh air!


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I tend to think of myself as a person who happens to be asexual. My asexuality isn't my personality... just an aspect of it. 


To be honest, the only time I really have to pay extra attention to it is when someone tries to hit on me and thinks my lack of attraction is me "playing hard to get." Then I have to come up with at least ten different ways to explain who I am and how my orientation works. Though I will mention it casually if it fits into a topic of conversation, it's not something I really focus on unless I need to. Mostly because it's just normal for me. 

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It's certainly something I'm forced to think about a lot by society. I'm constantly being reminded of how not sexual I am. Of course, in the same way, I'm also constantly reminded that I'm into women. Society's really heteronormative like that. Heteronormative and very, very into sex.

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1 hour ago, Frodo said:

It's certainly something I'm forced to think about a lot by society. I'm constantly being reminded of how not sexual I am. Of course, in the same way, I'm also constantly reminded that I'm into women. Society's really heteronormative like that. Heteronormative and very, very into sex.

I've always been of the opinion that compulsory sexuality comes part and parcel with heteronormativity.  It can exist on its own, surely, but it is certainly a key component of heteronormativity as well, from what I've observed.

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I've lost the last remnants of my interest to conform to a masculine norm. Now I strive to be just me. Yay! :)

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I don't consider myself a regular person; I pride myself on being an individual, originality & being alone; sex isn't an issue for me.  I don't avoid sex at all costs; but I don't have it for the most part.  I will let a man know quickly, the likelihood of me having sex is zilch; intercourse is out of the question.  What I really want are marshmallows & understanding; sex is given to those who are boyfriend quality or makes me feel like we could raise children together.  Other than that, I'll say no.

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I don't perceive asexuality as being that important to my identity, even though I experience sex repulsion and low levels of romantic interest which have prevented me from forming intimate relationships over the years. I think this is partly because my personality shades towards the introverted side. I like reading, writing, academic pursuits. If I was more extroverted, I think asexuality is something I would feel more on a day to day basis, as I often have a sense of being out of phase with people in social situations (such as at work when people make sex the subject of small talk, or at parties where people are trying to hook up).

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"Musician" will always be my most important identity. My asexuality/aromanticism doesn't really come up much in my daily life, especially compared to my more pervasive experience with gender.

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Always person first. Then I see myself as a person who wants to make their world better. Then a hardworking person who wants to make the world better.


Down the line, asexual falls in. It's a part of me, but I don't see it as a largely defining characteristic.


For me, a person is not their sexuality. They are what they focus on and try to do with their life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
SithAzathoth WinterDragon

Yes, I consider myself asexual and a member and a member of society.

I avoid sex because I never had the desire for it and I have no interest in seeing how it feels or the bodily fluid sharing. 

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My sexual origination has no bearing on my day to day life or relationships. No one ever tries to have sex with me and that's the only time it would come up.

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Dark General

I consider myself a regular person before anything else, but I will say that my asexuality is a significant part of myself and does shape how I see the world. As for sex, I'm the type of person that would avoid it all costs. I have no interest in sex at all.

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I consider myself a minority member of greater society due to the fact that I am asexual. It certainly changes the way I see the world around me and plays a role in the way I socially engage with people around me. As far as sex goes, I consider it something I have zero interest in doing unless I find a guy who I find is worth falling in love, getting married, and having a family with. Mainly for procreation and as a means of creating closeness in a VERY serious relationship.

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Like some have said, I'm a regular person who just happens to be asexual.

I wouldn't say I'm at either extremes with regards to avoiding sex or using it as a tool. I just have no interest in it. Maybe some day I'll do it with someone, maybe (and more likely) I just won't do it at all (and I won't do it for doing it sake).

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Asexuality does not form any part of my outward personality. My sexuality has no effect on who I am.

It's a private matter, as it is for many people. It's only a small part of who I am. 


I am disinterested in sex. It is of no importance to me. 


I am part of the genereal community. I discussed my asexuality with a friend of mine, and he considers me absolutely normal (I think he means typical).


I'm atypical, but I sort of like that.

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