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This list-- touched a nerve.... the funny bone specifically


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I'm older than most here...  and perhaps more extroverted than most here.....
I am often oblivious to the underlying intent of others (this more because I'm aspie as well)

this list,  I could add 4 entries....   times when I just was clueless..  I found it very funny.
My very first opportunity to do what I don't care to do,  I did not recognize or identify, until years later.

Any one else?  find yourself here?

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Aww, some of them are downright adorable!


Some of them make me wonder why either person in the scenario didn't just say something. 

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Some of those really brought back some memories, lol. To this day, I am still oblivious to men hitting on me. :D 

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OMG this one O.O


 I had been hanging out with this one young lady for a while, but I didn't really know whether we were dating or not. We were driving back from a ski trip one night, and we were talking about special skills we had. She blurted out, "I know how to put a condom on a guy without using my hands."

"I bet you'd like to see that," she continued.

"Yeah," I said, obliviously. "Too bad I don't have a cucumber on me."

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

lmao :lol:

Most of them just sound adorable though xD

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LOL :lol: Honestly, these are the type of mistakes I would make - and I probably have made - cause my mind isn't on those things at all. Flirting with me is like trying to get an emotional reaction from a pebble. I relate so well with so many of the reactions these people had such as #4. I'm certain that I'd come to the same conclusion, or text something dumb like, "Why? Are you scared of goonies under the bed or something?" Or for #8, I'd be worried about them getting shot. :lol:

Edit: I died on #15 like the previous poster.

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These were funny


btw, I do think there are a lot of guys who would say soccer > girls.

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I once went almost a full semester in school with a girl flirting with me and never realized it LOL

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Oh my goodness these are just the best :lol:

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