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Treated younger than your age


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Hey guys. 


Do do any of you feel like you're treated as more innocent and childish for being asexual? 


I've struggled with this a lot growing up. I look younger than my real age by about 5 years, and a fair number of my acquaintance treat me like a youngster more straightforwardly when sexual themes pop up. This week, I was playing Cards Against Humanity with some friends and several of the concepts went over my head because it's not my area of expertise for lack of a better phrase. It doesn't help my cause very much >_> 


Do any of you have troubles with this sort of thing? 

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I'm a grey-a, I identify as asexual usually, and I always look a year younger <_<

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People used to say stuff like, "You'll change when you get older." and treated me as somehow less of an adult for still being a virgin. My serious attitude and academic achievements pretty much shut people up later on though. And, I definitely look like an adult now. I'm fine with being the "prudish" guy, I just get irritated when people act condescending towards me because of it. It kinda pisses me off that some people think I can't be "mature" if I haven't been in a relationship or had sex.


Though I'll totally give people the right to make fun of me for being oblivious to flirting and stuff. I'm hopeless when it comes to that sort of thing. *whooosh*

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17 minutes ago, Lira said:

Hey guys. 


Do do any of you feel like you're treated as more innocent and childish for being asexual? 


I've struggled with this a lot growing up. I look younger than my real age by about 5 years, and a fair number of my acquaintance treat me like a youngster more straightforwardly when sexual themes pop up. This week, I was playing Cards Against Humanity with some friends and several of the concepts went over my head because it's not my area of expertise for lack of a better phrase. It doesn't help my cause very much >_> 


Do any of you have troubles with this sort of thing? 

Actually, no, although I can imagine how frustrating that must be. I look several years older. A few friends of mine know that I'm (probably) asexual (or at least not like them), but they don't treat me like a child because of it.

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I'm 18 and I'm not out yet. I am going to come out to my sister, brother and his wife (I tried to come out to my parents, but it's useless, because well. well). It will be interesting to see how they react and even more interesting to see how they will treat me in the future. They are all very open-minded, but it's still very easy to be acephobic due to the lack of information about us. I'm really curious to feel this on myself, since coming out to my parents didn't really count as a proper coming out experience (though my mother did tell me it's just a phase, not an orientation). Why not? Because they immediately forgot. Which was most definitely intensional. They can't accept anything other than heterosexual. Classic case, isn't it? 

I keep venting about this :D

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Yes. People would say shit like " you'll feel different when you get older" or "you're a virgin,so you can't understand". It really gets annoying as fuck.

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Hard to say how much of it is asexuality and how much of it is that I just look small irl. I'm 18 and I've been guessed as young as 12. My social shyness and awkwardness also tends to be pretty apparent, which might not help either. When I was really sex repulsed though, I actually encouraged people to treat me like a child when it came to the topic.  Now that I've grown passed that and even occasionally enjoy a joke, I seem to be perceived as at least somewhat more mature. 

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1 minute ago, twilightstarr said:

I'm 18 and I've been guessed as young as 12. 


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J. van Deijck

Haha. I'm gonna be 27 soon and people still treat me like a teenager. :lol:

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I look younger than my age so I normally get people that are younger than I or people my age or older telling me that my attitude about a lot of things will change once I get older. They normally don't know that I'm asexual and I prefer it that way; if I'm close to them then I have no problem telling them. When people find out that I am 35, have two teens, and almost served two decades in the Army then they change their tune. Hahahahaha! 

Then I twirl and tell them I have fabulous genes! Bwahahahahahaha!

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Oh, hell yes. I've experienced this a lot, but not because of asexuality. It seems to be more of how you present yourself.


When I'm at school, I'm more passive than I normally would be. I've had some really bad experiences with being bullied, so I just stay quiet and nice to everyone. I don't argue and I rarely go out of my way to debate my point of view, even if it is different. A lot of people believe my politeness to be innocence, and are surprised when they get to know me a little better.


As for Cards Against Humanity, someone assumed I didn't know how to play. The nerve of some people! I was so happy I did great that game. I don't know every single term, but I don't need to. I'm not into that kind of stuff.


I don't think being seen as innocent is a bad thing. It makes people underestimate you sometimes, but I'd rather be the  sweet girl than that one drama queen bitch.

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People tend to think I'm a lot OLDER than I am...the oldest I was ever guessed at was thirteen years older than I was at the time. And I was literally wearing a propeller hat. I have no idea why everyone thinks I'm so mature. My asexuality seems to have contributed to people seeing me as MORE mature because of it..."Oh, you're past all that, you're comfortable in your own skin, you're happy with what you want, you aren't all hormone riddled". I dunno, just my experience.

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I don't think so really,


I look a lot younger than I actually am, but I act way older than I am. I think I relate to the phrase "an old soul", where I am more mature than others and just carry myself differently than other people. 


So I am all over the place really, I look young but I act older. 

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I look about 10 years younger than my actual age, so even before I knew I am ace, I was always treated like a child.

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2 minutes ago, Vicky Angel said:

I look about 10 years younger than my actual age, so even before I knew I am ace, I was always treated like a child.

Same. It doesn't help that I also can't pretend to be an adult very well. 

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Joe the Stoic

I am 25.  I graduated from UNC.  I was in the military.


And yet Baby Boomers still think that I and everyone my age are know-nothings.

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Funnily enough I usually get the opposite here. Still a high schooler, but I have the look and act of at least a university student. Everyone I tell my actual age to is always quite surprised. Maybe it's the thousand yard state in my eyes, or whatever it is.

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I'm 22, I look 15, and my identity is 12.  No one takes me seriously, but it's mostly because my parents just see a kid in me and that my suggestions are never good enough for anything.

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Sexual reference inside


I wouldn't say innocent, definitely childish though.


Although, often I've been told that I dress much older and act much older than I actually am. It'd be fun to find out how old people actually think I am though... :P 

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1 minute ago, SapphireDelvai said:

I'm actually a 1 1/2 year old rabbit sometimes people mistake me for a one year old rabbit

No way! I thought you were 2 1/2! :o 

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Not due to asexuality, but I'm 23 and people have thought I'm 14 before so...

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I routinely get mistaken for someone in their late 20s even though I'm actually 40... and I still can't figure out how the hell people are missing the grey in my hair or the start of crow's feet at the corners of my eyes.  But I guess I do look a little younger than my age - just not 20+ years younger!  Maybe 10... on a *good* day.

What really causes people to totally mess up on guessing my age is that my social skills are closer to those of a teenager than they are to someone my own age.  I've always had social delays.

My being treated like a kid has nothing to do with my being ace.  It is solely caused by being autistic.  Whatever the cause, it is still absolutely infuriating!

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Hermit Advocate

I'm only out to one friend and I've always been the mature adult one since we were little kids; so, no. Though there were often times growing up when i would not get a sexual reference and my friends would explain it to me in a "she's so adorably naive" manner; though they might have guessed that I was asexual on a subconscious level. 

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I apparently look much younger than I am. Recently turned 32, and people guessed that I was 16 recently. Pretty much everyone's surprised by my actual age. No one guesses it correctly. It's been that way for most of my life. Yet, my friends would say I was much more mature and 'refined' in personality than them. I've been kicked out of bars, because they thought my ID was fake. I don't even drink. Just wanted to hang out with my friends. Asked for our weekly challah (a type of bread) one week, and they asked to talk to my mom instead. I was about 25 at the time, and they thought I was too young to pick up a loaf of bread? 


I haven't been out as ace for very long. Although, when I came out (also as aro) to a few peole during Thanksgiving, one of them said: "Someday you'll change your mind." "That's just a phase, you'll find someone in the future." "Wait until you're older." "Just give it time." Ummm...How long should I wait according to her? That's the only person who's treated me this way so far. I'm not entirely sure if it was because I'm aro ace, or she really thought I was younger than I am. Even if I was younger, and came out to her, I would know myself more than her. It's not necessarily an age thing in my mind. 

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On 12/31/2016 at 7:05 PM, Laplace said:

People used to say stuff like, "You'll change when you get older." and treated me as somehow less of an adult for still being a virgin. My serious attitude and academic achievements pretty much shut people up later on though. And, I definitely look like an adult now. I'm fine with being the "prudish" guy, I just get irritated when people act condescending towards me because of it. It kinda pisses me off that some people think I can't be "mature" if I haven't been in a relationship or had sex.


Though I'll totally give people the right to make fun of me for being oblivious to flirting and stuff. I'm hopeless when it comes to that sort of thing. *whooosh*

I've pretty much experienced most of this but around my family. Despite growing a little taller and wearing some make up, I still get mistaken as someone in high school or middle school when I'm 23.

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Only a couple people actually know I'm ace, but this is definitely something I deal with a lot. I feel like some of my friends might've treated me a little weird in high school since I've always been rather withdrawn and never expressed interest in relationships. Most people, especially the ones my parents' age, tend to treat me like a child since I look pretty young and I'm only 5'2". I feel like a lot of people look down on me simply because they have to look down at me. I'm 20, so I mean that's almost a child? But I still don't really wanna be treated like I'm a kid.

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I'm 25, but people regularly assume I'm in early high school and are shocked to hear I'm ten years older than they had thought.  I get "You'll look great when you're 40!" a lot :)


Honestly, though, I don't find it to be a problem for me, though.  I do just fine in acting my age in every respect other than sex, and I'm past the age (at least, among the sort of people I hang out with) that it even matters.

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When someone thinks you're 3 years younger because you look like a ghost. ^_^

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Ah, I'm always taken for much younger than I am (usually at least 10 years or so), based on my looks & the way I am, but didn't realize that could be due to being asexual (or grey-A)! :lol:


(Well, half-joking, as people don't actually know that about me, as I only realized it myself recently and haven't really come out yet...)

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