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Children. Yay or nay?


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This is merely a post of curiosity.

I have always known I wasn't interested in sex but I thought I was generally alone in that. It has only been today that I stumbled across this site, and asexuality all together, and as for which sub-genre of asexuality I would fit into I do not know but this is mainly in regards to the assumption that we do not enjoy sex.

But do you feel you want children? And if so, would you want to have sex to produce them or would you prefer to go about finding other means of having kids? I only ask because I personally do not want children and I am just curious as to what everyone else's feelings are on the subject.

If I were to change my mind and want children I would choose to adopt. Not so much because I don't like sex but more because I believe there are already enough humans knocking about and I would rather help one already here instead of adding to the world!


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I mean I would if I could but I can't so I shan't. If needs be I can always adopt... cats. I could adopt cats. They can be my children. And they can eat me when I die.

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Nay. NayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNay Heck Nay

Sorry guys my miniature pony stepped on my keyboard :blush:

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Nay, for two reasons:

1) I don't see the need or payoff for all that work and responsibility

2) I'd feel guilty about bringing someone into this world if I don't see it (the world) as good enough

My views on adopting children are the same as my views on coming across stray animals - I'll adopt them if I think I can give them a befter life.

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Yeah but I'm kinda like mum (Who is actually Grey-A herself) in that I only want one child. I've spoken to two friends about it and I said I'd probably use a sperm donor or IVF or something like that to have a kid.

But it's way too early for that! I'm 21 at the end of the year I'm too young for that!!

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So....expensive. I don't think I'd be a responsible or all that active parent, either. I don't know...maybe I'll change and consider adoption, but it'd require pretty close to a 180 on my outlook on life for that to happen. I can barely take care of myself, truth be told.

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Thank you for all the responses, I had a feeling the majority would be nay. But early post days as yet, I guess.

But I agree, kids are a lot of work and they will leech off you for 21+ years until you are no longer convenient to them and then they'll piss off to lead a far better life without you! Too much hassle if you ask me!

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Jade Gryphion

... I think I'll settle for borrowing other people's kids for short periods of time... I get to shape an inquisitive little mind, and then I get to give it back to it's parents.

In all seriousness, I'm not strictly opposed, but I would probably go with adoption or becoming a part of the foster care system if I was to take on that responsibility.

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Yes... But only if the conditions are right (a stable job, living together with my partner, if both incomes are high enough, and if we're still both young enough). But no biological children. My genetic disability is severe enough to have convinced me that transmitting it would be an act of cruelty.

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Nay for me. As soon as I get a career and get some money, I plan on doing so many different things (as long as I don't get lazy about), and I'll space those things out so that when I retire, I still have something to do. I also love living alone. Four years so far and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Everything is so simple, fun, and peaceful that it's almost perfect already.

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Lord Jade Cross
Nope. I have known that ever since I was a kid. Everyone said it was just a phase, that I didnt know what I was talking about, and that I would eventually change my mind and want them. Many years later, when they have seen that I haven't and wont budge even when they have told me to "hurry up and give me grankids" and have had to admit defeat in the matter, all I have to say is: Whos changing now?
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I just feel uncomfortable around other's babies. Every attention is going towards the baby/kid and I feel like I'm having to forcefully "be happy and smile".

I dislike the company wide "LOOK AT THE BABY I FABRICATED"-mails.

I don't hate them, and I might still have a change of thought. But the current me...?


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Big fat nope. The only babies I want are of the snail or puppy variety.

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The boat has already sailed on having kids. Nope, Niet, Nein, Non. To late to change my mind at 62. I might have a dog from the shelter after I retire, too cruel to have a dog when I'm working.

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Nay. NayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNayNay Heck Nay

Sorry guys my miniature pony stepped on my keyboard :blush:

Nay!!!!!!! ;DD neva gunna change bruh.

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The thought of having children, for me, is comparable to what my thoughts were on having a boyfriend (before I knew I was aro ace): Something that happens to other people that they (for some reason) seem to want, but not something I have a particular desire for beyond a vague feeling (I think from societal expectation) that it was something that happens to everybody eventually, so I suppose that has to include me.

Since then, I have realized that most people have far stronger feelings then my apathy towards children (and boyfriends) and concluded that I don't particularly want (either of) them. But if I did decide I wanted kids, I would adopt (for various reasons).

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This planet is already overcrowded as it is. No need to contribute to that. Also no need to pass down the mess that is Homer. Finally, no need for loud and sticky company.

Big fat nay here.

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I always had an idea that I would some day. I've never been a kid person though

and my life isn't really heading in that direction any more.

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I would. But I would need a lot of time to consider it beforehand. While having kids is something I'd want to do one day, it's also a huge responsibility and I'd need to make sure I'm up for it first.

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Not on your life! Nope! Never! No way, no how!

I've always known I never wanted to be a parent. Even back in kindergarten, I loudly proclaimed I'd never be anyone's wife or mommy, in direct contravention of the spoken desires of all the other girls in the class. They thought I was weird for it. I also never played with dolls, especially baby dolls - they actually grossed me out, disgusted me, and even made me fearful (those dead, blank, fake flat plastic eyes... yuck!), so I was considered very odd by the other girls (and many of their mothers!). I was told many times that I'd change my mind, by friends, family and strangers, about both the marriage thing and the kids thing, but I never have.

Pregnancy freaks me the hell out. I used to work at a hospital and routinely had to enter ORs (Surgical suites), the Morgue, various Day Surgery rooms, and patient rooms to fix or replace computer equipment. I found out pretty quick that I infinitely preferred having to go into ORs when surgery was taking place, into the morgue during autopsies, and even into the Colonoscopy/Endoscopy rooms over having to go anywhere near Labour and Delivery! The times that I had to enter an L&D room when someone was in there giving birth would literally send me into a full-blown panic. I'd rush through whatever task I was needed for then rush back to my office to battle through my panic and revulsion as privately as possible. I wasn't at all squeamish except where birth was concerned, but that squeamishness was intense.

I got myself surgically sterilized at the age of 24. Best choice I ever made!

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Nay! Im not able to have kids nor do i have a wish to have them. I don't mind to sponsor a few less fortunate kids so they can go to school, etc and have a future.

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Nay for me, and for quite a few reasons.

-Doing it "the old fashioned way" is something I never wish to do. *shudder*

-I have a lot of genetics that I'd rather not be passing down.

-I don't think I could handle raising a kid.

-There is a decent chance that I will die alone anyway.

So yeah, the likelihood of there being a Mike junior is not high.

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I would love to have a child, minus the partner! Some kids are much more tolerable than adults. Adults kill me at times, they can be so overbearing. I think I would have to go through IVF to have a child of my own due to an ovarian condition. I would prefer IVF anyway. Adoption is extremely difficult here, but I'd also consider it. I've been financially stable for a while so I know could support a child financially, but my current lifestyle isn't ideal because of my work load and schedule, and I plan to study another post graduate. I'd hate to be one of those absent parents. Perhaps when things start to settle.

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Autumn Season

Rather not. I don't mind children. But do I "want" them? Nope.

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I've wanted kids since I was little. My bf feels the same. He's said he wants bio children but I don't really care much. I'd prefer not feeling the pain of childbirth though...

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No way. I don't particularly like children, and the thought of pregnancy and childbirth freaks me out no end. Even just knowing that I have a uterus and that it is theoretically capable of that stuff disgusts me, although I can't really explain why.

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I definitely don't want biological children. The whole idea of pregnancy, and the process of getting pregnant both freak me out. I don't think ever I'd want adopted children either, but if I changed my mind about having kids, it would definitely be through adoption rather than biologically. Why do I want to deal with pregnancy and passing on my crappy genes when I can help a child that already exists?

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