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Annoying things sexists say


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We have an "Annoying things cis people say" thread, and I can see a lot of complaining about gender roles (aka gender rolls), blatant sexism and judgemental statements and double standards. And I'd like to vent about those myself.


"Men who take care of their physical appearance are man-sluts"

"You should walk like a woman, not rush, and let him pay for your dinner to make him feel like a man"

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God of the Forest

uh......................*tries to think*.......ooooo ok so my father was a huge sexist and his favorite line ever was "Women should not be soldiers, they are designed to have babies"

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"Women can't be sexist towards men." :angry: Basically, women can be as sexist as they want, and get a free pass? No. Fuck you.

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"Women can't do [insert society's definition of a male job here]. That's why it's called a MAN'S job" <- so changing my own oil, cutting my own lawn, & moving furniture by myself isn't an issue. I guess I'm just too manly *shrugs* wait til I give 2 craps about your opinion

"You need a man to whip you into shape." <- I'll go to the gym if i want to be more fit

"independent women are nothing but hard headed females who can't get a man." <- nope I just wanna be alone & do things myself

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"Women are objectively inferior to men; it's just biology!"

Also, anything about "biological sex"

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uh......................*tries to think*.......ooooo ok so my father was a huge sexist and his favorite line ever was "Women should not be soldiers, they are designed to have babies"

Not fun fun fact: One of the main reasons that men are the soldiers throughout history is because Women are far more important than men. It's a common trend that women were trained to fight, but if 10'000 men go to fight and 9'500 of them die, there's 500 guys left who can make many babies. 2'000 women means a max of 2'000 which in the case of tribes and smaller civilisations, would pretty much destroy them.

So in an odd way, the sexism surrounding women not being soldiers comes from men being expendable and women being really important... xD

*realises I haven't contributed to the original post*

Er... it's sexist that er... Actually one thing that pisses me off, is when people say "Women shouldn't have to wear makeup" and then women rage about how they want to. Yeah great. Good for you, jeeeesus. We're saying it's dumb that there is an expectation to wear it. It's like there's no win when you try and be fair xD

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"Women are objectively inferior to men; it's just biology!"

Wasn't this said in a hot box thread the other day? :P

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The idea that everyone with a uterus is "weak" and should be confined to the home.

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"Oh. You are more intelligent than you look."

That told me a man as I was wearing a dress. I often encounter men who think they know more than me. Like the guy in a museum who interrupted a dialoge with a friend to lecture me and was really embaressed as I told him I am studying archaelogy and know a bit about antike cities.

"Real men don't cry."

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God of the Forest

"Women are objectively inferior to men; it's just biology!"

Also, anything about "biological sex"

If this was in reference to what I said about males being generally physically stronger than women due to factors that are scientifically proven..I'm sorry you interpreted it that way lol

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There's this really sexist thing i keep reading in magazines supposedly helping women who can't find relationships..."You don't have enough feminine energy"...you need to expand your feminine energy...which necessarily means you should be docile,submissive and let a man take charge.Oh...and you should wear makeup and dress sexily...that constitutes feminine energy too !!! Women should always be only giving..and nurturing and kind !!! I'm not like that....i get mad...i yell...i HATE babies..and makeup...i'm aggressive...so what ? Does that mean i'm doomed to be alone for all eternity ??

Oh,and men are not allowed to cry or show any kind of emotion.They should always be interested only in sports. They should also do all the dangerous and dirty work...like clearing out a dead rat from the basement etc.

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I actually know a guy who won't take painkillers because "I'm a guy so I should be able to handle pain." What I found ironic though was that he had the flu when he told me this and he complained for about a week straight about how sick he felt and that he was "dying".

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My sister once had a professor who told her that she was not dressed professionally enough for presentations, but only when she wore slacks instead of skirts. Meanwhile, this professor considered the kinds of revealing skirts/dresses people might wear to clubs/bars as professional business attire.

(The same professor also gave her the lowest grade in her first group presentation when she was unambiguously the most prepared out of all of them. Two members had a verbal altercation during the presentation and still got a higher grade than her. She was the only woman in the group.)

When the time came for her final presentation, she wore a skirt, and I intentionally gave her some classic sexist advice: "Smile."

Out of all the great things she did, out of all the fantastic things she said during the presentation, care to guess what the professor praised her for? Her smile.

In a top-tier graduate business school of all places, my sister's worth was evaluated based on her appearance.

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Lol, god my mom can be pretty sexist sometimes in a very traditionalist kind of way.

I remember when I was growing up, I had two siblings. My brother and my sister. There were 3 primary chores that needed to be done in the house: laundry, dishes and garbage. So they got split between the three kids. You'd get one chore each day, and they rotated so everyone had to do some.

I complained that it wasn't fair, because any time there was any yard work to be done, including mowing, weeding, debris removal, staining, or whatever, I got the call. My mom didn't get it. "You're the oldest, and you're a boy, so that's what you have to do." Wtf?!

I called her out on it. Said my sister was a lazy jerk who only cared about herself and never did anything. "Well, she's a girl, I'm not going to make her mow the lawn." God that pissed me off so much as a kid. She got her own room too, because "she's a girl".

Oh, and my mom's constant, "men can't do this, men can't do that, men are just so stupid." Called her out on that too, and she didn't care. You think she'd be overjoyed I'm actually a woman :rolleyes:

My dad was never anything like this. If it wouldn't have meant a fight with my mom, he would've stood up for me mowing the lawn. He was completely neutral when it came to gender...to a fault. I was always trying to be a son for him because I thought of anyone, he deserved it. I don't know how he got to be that way. But I learned a lot about not judging people unfairly from him.

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Anything about women having some sort of "natural role" to take care of babies/children. If I can't even keep plants alive because I forget to water them, and then leave the dead plant on the table for weeks because I'm too lazy and absentminded to even throw it out, I probably don't have any business taking care of other people.

Also "Men/boys only want one thing[sex]", assuming all men are sex-crazed.

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Some of the most annoying ones I've heard out of the top of my head besides those already mentioned in the thread:

"Men got to bring the money." or "Men always should make the first move [when it's about dating]." Not a fan of these old role models.

"Women don't have to be educated" occasionally paired with "They just have to be pretty/obedient/bear/raise children/etc." A shallow and objectifying view on women.

"An emotional man must obviously be gay." related to the aforementioned "Strong men show no emotions".

"Girls mustn't play with toy cars/whatever is considered boyish!" - because why exactly? Reverse case applies too.

"All men are oppressors/patriarchs and aggressive by nature!" Yep, I sure am. *sarcasm* :rolleyes:

And of course hearing someone brag about "how many chicks they've had" and acting as if they're collecting trophies.

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It's making me laugh more than it should that everyone is trying to come up with equal amounts of male and female sexist situations so they don't appear sexist...

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"Try finding a bachelor while working on your Bachelor's."

"Women are supposed to get their M.R.S. (Mrs.) Degree in college too."

"Oh, you want to be a musician? You better marry a rich husband then."

"The only reason there are women percussionists is because of the marimba."

(Being told all this while trans is extra fun.)

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People gave up on telling what my "natural role" is, because I protested ever since I could speak :P Probably in every possible aspect, except for fashion.

That's sad about your sister, Mezzo.

The thing with the "feminine energy" tip, the thing that bothers me is that I believed it, and it directed me into a very unhappy relationship. For some people it may work, but when you're feeling like you're not being yourself and you're not in this relationship, not on this date, that's when you should quit.

"independent women are nothing but hard headed females who can't get a man."

Who don't need a man? Who don't ... want... *a* man, *any* *man*?

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One I get from subconsciously sexist people a lot when I point things out in movies and such is "you think everything is sexist."

Maybe because everything is?

The idea that men and women are like completely different species who speak completely different languages and that this is irrefutably inherent rather than possibly to some extent a result of how they are brought up differently.

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It's making me laugh more than it should that everyone is trying to come up with equal amounts of male and female sexist situations so they don't appear sexist...

I don't think people are trying, I think these things just exist. Anyone can be sexist or say sexist things and many do. It's certainly been a pretty even split in my experience.

And calling it for what it is helps. I blamed myself for my mom's BS for a long time, but she was in the wrong, not me.

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One I get from subconsciously sexist people a lot when I point things out in movies and such is "you think everything is sexist."

Maybe because everything is?

Absolutely this. This has been a huge source of conflict in my family because my mom is very perceptive when it comes to sexism in media, while my dad is oblivious as all get-out, and if there's one thing they need, it's more things to argue over. -_-

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My grandfather came to visit my family at one point. He sits down on the couch and we start talking and not even five minutes after he arrives, he turns to me and says something along the lines of "Oh you're studying abroad in a few weeks, right? What, you got a boyfriend over there you're gonna see?"

Yeah because I obviously can't achieve things on my own and have to be motivated by a man.

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"He needs to make more money than you, honey. He's the bread winner and has a wife and kids to support."

"A 'woman's touch'? That just means you set a bunch of cute junk around that serves no useful purpose."

"Go to Victoria's Secret, dear. Fix yourself up."

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"Real men don't cry" ...yeah, sure. Emotional repression for long periods of time can be good for anybody <_<

"Every woman needs a man in her life" Kind of odd that my grandma said that (she was talking about how she hoped that mom and dad would get back together despite them only having a platonic relationship now). Glad she stopped.

"But it's a woman's job to-"/"It's not right for a woman to-"/"Women can't-" stop right there. People have choices. These "jobs" aren't essential in life.

"But men need to have-"/"It's not right for a man to-"/"Man can't-" stop. Again, people have choices.

"Women can't be sexist towards men" Misandry, look it up.

"All women-"/ "All men-"/ "Why do all women-"/"Why do all men-" -AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

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There's this post going around that's like "All girls should read this! You should know that it's a guy's place to make the first move..." and it talks about how men are naturally the dominant ones/aggressors and they won't like you if you approach them, plus think of how nice you'll feel if you just let a man do everything for you!

I roll my eyes every time I see it.

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I just remembered one from high school--at one point, in my second year of calculus, we learned about rotated solids based on functions and how to find their volumes, which involves a fair amount of abstract visualization in order to imagine what the resulting 3D object would look like. So, of course, at the beginning of the chapter, my math teacher (an old conservative Christian guy who also once conflated asexuality with being agender on a test question) prefaced the first lesson with "Now, I'm not being sexist about this or anything, but I've noticed that girls tend to have a harder time with this topic than guys, because women's brains aren't as inclined toward this sort of spatial visualization. Again, this isn't a sexist thing, this is just statistically something I've noticed."

...annnnd guess who not only understood that topic the best out of anything else in the class, but understood it better than the rest of the students and had to help explain it multiple times to everyone else? Then-cisgirl Dodec, the only "girl" in the class.

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"Men can't wear skirts!" Give me a break.

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I just remembered one from high school--at one point, in my second year of calculus, we learned about rotated solids based on functions and how to find their volumes, which involves a fair amount of abstract visualization in order to imagine what the resulting 3D object would look like. So, of course, at the beginning of the chapter, my math teacher (an old conservative Christian guy who also once conflated asexuality with being agender on a test question) prefaced the first lesson with "Now, I'm not being sexist about this or anything, but I've noticed that girls tend to have a harder time with this topic than guys, because women's brains aren't as inclined toward this sort of spatial visualization. Again, this isn't a sexist thing, this is just statistically something I've noticed."

...annnnd guess who not only understood that topic the best out of anything else in the class, but understood it better than the rest of the students and had to help explain it multiple times to everyone else? Then-cisgirl Dodec, the only "girl" in the class.

Every time I hear this, I keep thinking about how Dr. Rosalind Franklin had so much to do with laying the foundation for the double helix model of DNA for which Crick and Watson got most of the credit and the Nobel prize.

My sexist moment in this regard? My 7th grade science teacher said I was almost to polite to be a boy. And that I was good in science, but didn't have the 'killer instinct' to run with it.


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