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Triple A here, would there be a sex reassignment option?


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So I was born female, and for the longest time I thought I was actually male because I did not feel the least bit comfortable in a female body. I finally heard the term agender and realized that that described exactly what I was feeling. I know there are sex reassignment surgeries you can get to for F to M and M to F, but are there any options that would be considered for an agender assignment? I know that what bothers me the most about my body is the monthly period since it's such a blatant reminder that my body is female, and if I can get rid of that permanently then I won't feel like ripping my body apart until it stops feeling foreign anymore. I found out about endometrial abalation (burning the uterus lining) and its supposed to get rid of periods permanently. Would I be able to argue that that's a reassignment surgery? Or any other ideas that might help?

I'd ask my doctor, but I get one through my tribe for free and she doesn't believe that asexuality is real and thinks I'm covering up some sort of sordid past filled with orgies or something. She definitely wouldn't be any use here either :(

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I don't know about it being considered a sex reassignment surgery, since you're not changing the appearance of your reproductive organs/removing them. It'd be like an IUD being considered a sex-reassignment surgery. It's not really a surgery at all.

However, you could argue that it is medically necessary due to gender dysphoria and could fall under the same realm as SRS. Especially if it's medically necessary due to endometriosis, like my IUD (and likely future hysterectomy).

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Hello! (:
I am taking birth control because I have chronic headache which is overwhelming when I have my period, and I take a kind of pill with which I only have my period twice a year. Although my doc recognizes this, my medical insurance doesn't and officially I get these prescriptions because of acne.

So I am thinking you maybe don't have to tell you all your reasons for wanting medication, and if you could find other reasons - cramps, acne, headaches, I don't know - you could maybe get some without lying.

I know, thats no operation, but that could be a solution for the meantime.

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Well, there are surgical options for you to consider. It's not a very common thing yet, so there's no formal procedure. You'll have to find, and convince, an informed-consent surgeon to go through with it. You may be able to get help and supportive letters from a gender therapist, but in the end you'll have to find and a approach a surgeon on your own initiative, and explain what it is you want done.

If you want breasts removed, you can probably get the right information from the same channels trans men go through. When asking around in trans circles, ask about the "top surgery" as it's most often referred as. The official term to ask your surgeon about is a Mastectomy.

For your dysphoria about internals, you'll be looking at a Hysterectomy. This is a complete or partial removal of the uterus. It's actually not completely unheard of for even cis women to seek this procedure if their periods is excessively heavy to the extent that it makes normal functioning impossible for the duration. Still, you'll likely run into resistance here. It's very likely you'll be told "I won't do it, because what if you ever want to have children??" which may or may not make you want to bite the surgeon's head off but my advice here is to resist that urge and be confident, assertive and determined. If they absolutely refuse, keep looking. You will find a surgeon willing to do it for you eventually. Hysterectomy may, or may not, include an Ooectomy, removal of the ovaries.

If you happen to also feel uncomfortable with the shape of your outer genitalia, you'll have the most difficult time. The surgeries you'll want to look into are Cervicectomy (removal of the cervic), Vagectomy (removal of the vagina), Vulvectomy (removal of the vulva), and Clitorectomy (removal of the clitoris). Be especially careful who you mention that last one to; It is a practice in certain cultures to perform clitoris removal, against the will of the subject, as part of a general subjugation of female-bodied people. As such it's a touchy subject. That said, it's still sometimes done under proper surgical conditions out of medical necessity (usually cancer). These are very very rare, but again, not impossible.

Before you commit to any of these, make absolutely sure to consult extensively with a gender therapist (one that is enby-positive, at least). If you're going to get your ovaries removed, you should also consult an endocrinologist (your gender therapist will be able to refer you), and spend some time under an estrogen-blocking hormone therapy. Changing your hormones can make you feel drastically different, so you will want to spend some time experiencing what it's like before you commit to having the source of your hormones removed.

Finally, remember that it's your body and it's your choice.

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O.O there are so many options!!! :D Thanks for writing that all out, that really helps! I'll definitely be looking into consulting with a gender therapist and going from there.

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