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Am I just weird? Does anyone else feel like this?


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I'm 16 years old and I've already told people about me before but I'm AFAB, it's very likely that I'll go through with FTM physical and social transition. Sometimes I think otherwise but I'm quite convinced that I will do it. I tell people that I'm FTM transgender but in my mind, I feel a little different. I feel like a bunch of labels could fit me at once and I feel a little fluid but overall, I feel more comfortable identifying as male. I feel like demiboy/girl, androgyne, agender/bigender, transmasculine but I'm basically a boy. Does that even make sense? I think I can be specific at times if I really needed to but why bother telling people all this if I'm transitioning anyway? I feel really out of place because 90% of the time I feel a strong desire to be male and get bad dysphoria, even though it's hard, at least I know where I fit in (with males). Then like 10% of the time, I feel all confused and like maybe I'm an extreme tomboy. IDK. Does anyone else feel like this?

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Gender is a complicated thing, especially when it's fluid and/or layered. You don't have to have it all figured out. I'm 8 years older than you and it's a similar mess for me. Sometimes I think I got it figured out and then it changes again *shrugs*

When you know that ftm transition is the right way for you, that's great! You don't have to be binary trans to want this and to go through with it. You can still call yourself ftm / male (or transmasculine?) even if it itsn't the perfect fit all the time. Labels have to be useful and it seems like that label could be useful for you at this moment in time. You can always change your label when you find a better one for yourself. Or still go by ftm trans / male even though you know a more specific one that fits you better but would be too complicated to explain it to others all the time.

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I sometimes feel the way you are describing as well. As mentioned before, gender is SO complicated since it is such a complex spectrum. I have questioned if I am an extreme tomboy or really trans and I know in my mind that I am definitely trans, but I still get those thoughts. With labels - I changed those a lot... First genderfluid (when I first heard of nonbinary), then demigirl (when I thought "Well, I have lived as a girl for years! I must have some sort of connection to the female gender!", then agender/ demigirl, then just agender, then transmasc. agender, back to just agender and now I am firmly settled (for now) with transmasculine agender (the reason I went back and forth between transmasc. agender and just agender was because I thought my desire to appear and be seen as masculine was just to separate myself from the female gender, since people won't see me as agender- they will see me as male or female and I get upset when people read me as female.) Now I realized i am transmasculine agender- my connection to the male gender is not just appearance based- I actially feel masculine... But at the same time I feel genderless. I guess that can be demiboy too... A partial connection to the male gender and the rest in my case would be void of gender.

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Lightning Blue Ray

I used to think that I had a partial connection to the female gender, and I thought that was the best fit for me. However, when someone thought I was a guy (I was referred to as "he" in a group chat), I realized that I liked it, and now I'm figuring out everything again. I thought about whether I just disliked gender roles and that I might actually be cis, but I'm not entirely comfortable with what I was assigned at birth. I partially identify with what I was assigned at birth (but not enough that I started to question my gender for a few months), but now I'm wondering if I simply like being thought of as neutral-gendered or even a guy, or whether it's something deeper.

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