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Think Im asexual?

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So at the advice of a friend I decided to check this site out to get more information. I have been having a identity crisis of sorts about whether I'm asexual or not. I want to be with someone, just not in a sexual/intimate way just emotionally.I used to think in previous relationships that the reason I avoided sex was due to inexperience or body issues but since I have been going to the gym and feeling better about my body and gaining more confidence, I ruled it out.I still have crushes on people but it's different than what everyone else has described to me.I also started having sex with a couple different people to see if that was the case, people who i didn't know and even a person I did who was kind enough to help me figure out answers.Everytime I did, I didnt think about how I felt about it but how the other person felt, When they asked if I enjoyed it I lied to spare their feelings and felt detached from it all like I was missing something. I've been feeling really bad about myself lately like there's something everybody else has that I'm missing.If anybody could help me figure this out with some insight on this it would really mean alot to me.

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Well, if you don't desire sex that's ace.

But when you say you have abnormal crushes do you mean you experience this?

Romantic attraction - an emotion; so it doesn't translate well into words, but it can be inadequately put as soft/warm/fuzzy feelings with some degree of fixation (at least in comparison to one's normality with others). Some people have a physical reaction to the feeling and others don’t (i.e. butterflies in their stomach, heart rate increase, blushing, etc. [though those are also symptoms of platonic nervousness]). Others may react mentally with a dreamy mindset, anxious euphoria, infatuation, romantic fantasies, etc.

Or this?

Platonic attraction - (aka a friend crush or squish; a play on the romantic word crush) the impulse to further know or befriend someone specific. The desired bond can vary from being friends, to close friends, to best friends. It may include nervousness or admirance, and once the desired bond is reached the squish goes away.

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Well, It's mostly platonic attraction In very rare cases I have had romantic atraction.It's towards both genders also. But I do feel sometimes more anxious towards woman more though because as a 290 lbs male I feel the a pressure to make them feel more comfortable around me because how intimidating I must look at first glance.I really like giving off a friendly first impression to people.

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Then perhaps Gray-biromantic or Bi-Aroflexible would be useful.

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