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DNC convention floor fights are possible


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JULY 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders Delegates News Conference A group representing Bernie Sanders delegates to the Democratic Convention held a news conference to voice disappointment with Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s selection of Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) as her running mate. They also discussed other issues, including party rules. Norman Solomon said convention floor fights were possible at the convention.



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DNC is literally ripping signs out of people's hands that support Bernie Sanders. Anyone who actually supports Bernie, should not vote for Hillary Clinton. Their treatment of him was disgusting, and truly shows you how corrupt the democratic party is. Clinton is not who we want, or need. She is literally the figurehead of everything we hate about American government and politics.


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DNC is literally ripping signs out of people's hands that support Bernie Sanders. Anyone who actually supports Bernie, should not vote for Hillary Clinton. Their treatment of him was disgusting, and truly shows you how corrupt the democratic party is. Clinton is not who we want, or need. She is literally the figurehead of everything we hate about American government and politics.


The convention floor tonight was full of Bernie signs, especially when he spoke; nobody ripped them out of peoples' hands. He was given a long speaking spot on the first night of the convention. That certainly didn't indicate "disgusting treatment". He spoke very well and was given a long ovation before his speech and afterwards.

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Apostle of Carlin

Watched a good chunk of it last night, and for good measure, I used the DNC livestream, so I could see the convention itself, not cable news bobbleheads.

There were some protests, but I think the DNC did a good job of managing them. Sarah Silverman called them out.

And Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders both gave great speeches. Bernie Sanders in particular bowed out as a gentleman and gave a great endorsement to Hillary Clinton.

I don't think the Bernie-or-busters have any wind in their sails anymore.

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Just so you know, there was no "calling out" and there is plenty of wind left. Last night was a direct insult to Bernie supporters, as part of the DNC's "unity" they keep talking about. I guess we'll see how successful that is.

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Bernie Sanders Delegates Protest

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