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do you have a 'type'


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I think I posted here before......the hell with it, I'll post again! XD

I like goth guys for sure :wub:

I experience aesthetic attraction to both genders.

For men: I like guys who are both skinny and muscular. I really don't have a racial preference. I like guys who have very keen features. I like dudes who are really tall. Blues eyes I just adore.:redface::wub: I adore afros and I also adore blonde hair. I also find slanted eyes just beautiful.

For women: I like both skinny and curvy, but I prefer curvy women (think Jlo and Beyonce) a bit more in most cases.


But I gotta admit ga in has a great bod!


I just adore women who have afros. Like for men, I prefer women with keen features. I find broad features attractive as well, though I think I prefer keen features a bit more...it just depends on the person.



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Guest Deus Ex Infinity

Mhm, I guess so but it has changed quite a lot over ther 10 years or so. I'm still into Tomboys with a primary soft spot for blond hair, blue eyes or Asian origin but I'm not restricted to exclusively one gender anymore since finding my true identity as demigray-A has changed and opened a new world to me. However, masculine appearance in general still feels most pleasant in terms of aesthetic attraction (slender average body shape, smooth skin), combined with alternative, sporty causual street wear. Business clothing is just a total no-go. I mainly care about a good sense of humour, an open, honest warm smile and social, loyal, polite behaviour.

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Gender doesn't matter much to me since I identify as panromantic.

Neither do any physical things attract me.

For clothing; I like people who wear colorful clothing, glasses and or earrings.

As for personality it really just depends on the person :3

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Uhhhh I don't know....

The people I crushed on until now are all VERY different....from blond, to red hair, to dark hair,  from fictional to non fictional...

I really go for character...nice character is my type.

And the right smile :3

A genuine really nice smile is REALLY important for me to fall for a person really, really fast :D



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Guest Deus Ex Infinity
2 hours ago, Hinabi said:

Uhhhh I don't know....

The people I crushed on until now are all VERY different....from blond, to red hair, to dark hair,  from fictional to non fictional...

I really go for character...nice character is my type.

And the right smile :3

A genuine really nice smile is REALLY important for me to fall for a person really, really fast :D



Yeah! It's all about the PERFECT smile :D *high five my evil friend*

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Elftober Country

I guess up until recently I didn't realise I had a type, it's very rare that I ever get a crush. I guess looking back I tend to like people who have dark hair, pale skin and are taller than me. More importantly, I'm drawn towards people that can make me laugh.   

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The Gnat (Natalie)

What I've found is that I have a "type" in terms of who I'm aesthetically attracted to (pale, dark hair, short-ish--in case anybody was curious), which applies regardless of gender. But in terms of romantic attraction, that "type" goes out the window and it's all about personality and my comfort level with that person.

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Strawberry ice cream

So I like when man has boyish appereance even if he is older. Some boyish flash in eyes, maybe clothing, maybe smile, maybe character or something inside what makes him special....I have never experienced  attraction to woman.

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I don't have a type per se - it really all depends on their personality - but the past few people I crushed on happened to be German and/or 12-15 years older (and often married...) :lol:, so maybe there is a type after all, haha :P 

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I tend to like men who have feminine features like long hair and who can pass as girls if they cosplayed or cross dressed and high cheek bones and ones who are kinda eccentric. I'm a sucker for blondes and black haired guys.


As for women looks wise I like chubby ones cause I'm pretty thin and you feel so nice, warm and protected when they hug you. :wub:


But once you are nice or sweet to me I disregard all looks though.

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I don't particularly have a physical type, but as for personality, loving shit puns and having a healthy hatred of humanity seems to work for me. :P 

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I actually don't really know. Caring,cute and nerdy maybe?  A girl /woman I know that much atleast. 

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On 11/1/2016 at 3:14 AM, oskietje said:

I've thought about this a lot and I think I came to the uneasy conclusion that I tend to be drawn to people that are emotionally unavailable or unwilling. I think it stems from internalized feelings of inadequacy related to being asexual. It turns out to be a more affirming or validating result, essentially because I'm subconsciously setting myself up for failure.

I can so relate.  That's why I have only talked to guys online and long distance.  Most of them turned out not to even be my type.   I don't want to waste time on people who seem to be unavailable for talking.  

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Darth Tribble

I don’t know if I have any strong or well-defined aesthetic preferences, but I do find some girls aesthetically or physically attractive (as in nice body or looks), but may be widely different. I think many features may not be inherently attractive or unattractive themselves, just that some people can pull it off better than others.


If I do have a preference, I like brunettes with with fair skin, though I can and do find some blonds and other races attractive. I’m just going by what seems most common for me.



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As a rule appearance doesnt matter, but it may influence who I get to know, which in turn affects who I can like. I also prefer guys so theres that I guess. I tend to talk to more feminine guys, perhaps becuase they appear less intimidating to approach. I also tend to like people who look visibly different to me, as in a different ethnicity / race. That probably has to do with me wanting to talk to people who have different views and values to myself. Overall though, my type is my friends or interesting people.

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I'm still finding what orientation I am (I've put myself under panromantic for now) 


I have a preference(or type) for feminine figures since I am one myself. I'm really girly... so I kinda like to find people like me. Or kinda like me. Just sweet, widely opinionated and funny. Bonus if they love video games

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I never thought I would have a 'type' but looking at all guys and gals I've had (romantic) crushes on I'm pretty sure I do. 

Tall (which is good because i'm hella small so everyone's tall to me) and someone who's good at talking, because I'm so awkward and I'm more of a listener than a talker. 

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Hmm, I feel like the guys I crush on tend to be tall or a few inches taller than me (I’m 5’2 so it’s not that hard) wide built with a little bit of muscle and softness, short beards and stubble is cool too! Personality wise; kinda friendly introvert, like will play video games and watch tv show happily for hours but isn’t shy around people can hold conversations about their favourite games and tv shows but doesn’t mind a little political and science talk.


I feel like I got very specific there, this eye opening to myself...

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On 24/10/2017 at 0:12 AM, foolishgrey said:

Personality wise; kinda friendly introvert, like will play video games and watch tv show happily for hours but isn’t shy around people can hold conversations about their favourite games and tv shows but doesn’t mind a little political and science talk.

I like this !

I do have a type for curly haired guys, I don't really have a racial preference but I do like Hispanics. As for his personnality... Mh. He must be introverted, I would not be able to bear him talking all day along but he must not be too quiet. :)

On 24/10/2017 at 0:12 AM, foolishgrey said:


I feel like I got very specific there, this eye opening to myself...

we all do

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I don't have a complete type - I think every person's features are idiosyncratic to them that stood out to me. I like any color, length, body type lol - it's odd, but it's just how that person makes it unique to them and their personality is what pretty much makes them shine brightly to me. Recently, there was a boy who was lean in stature with dark brown shuffled hair that was cut above his light green eyes. He was very empathetic, very sweet, highly creative, and sensitive.  The boy before that was at opposing ends, light curly hair muscular in stature however a huge anime/music nerd, devoted, outspoken, and leadership personality. When you're attracted to someone mentally-physically, they just become your type.

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I have a type that both end up coincidentally fitting together, in personality and appearance?


For personality my type has always been a guy with strong drive/determination/ambition. I find that most appealing. But also someone who's easily exciteable? Really bubbly and friendly person who's like a social butterfly. Or I guess, someone who is just animated. Whenever you're around that person they're just fun to be around ^^


Now, whenever I have liked these kinda guys, some real or fictional, these fellars are always the same! The guy who looks like he's done track and field? That kinda body shape. Then usually fluffy kinda blonde or brown hair. Always have bangs of some degree and always smiley. Haha.

So I guess I had a type that I didn't truly notice until this past year lol

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