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Asexual or non asexual

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Idk if im asexual or not but its good to have a website like this where you can feel accepted. A lot of people treat asexuality as a joke and something to discourage. I cant tell if im asexual or not. Tbh i have a pornography addiction which i can only watch straight videos. though my porn addiction is towards women i feel that it only rests there. When it comes to publicly meeting women who i know are attracted to me i withdraw myself due to disinterest and shyness. It has been over 3 years since i sexually engaged with a women yet i do not feel drawn to it with the exception of when im exposed to pornography. Can someone please give me advice on what i should do with myself and others?

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Maybe just identify as ''questioning'' until you know more clearly what you might be? And in the meantime get involved in the forums here and see if the discussions here help give you better insight?

There are asexuals who enjoy porn, but I have also heard of ''porn addicts'' getting so addicted to porn that they stop desiring ''real sex'', did you ever desire sex?

Pretty much, an asexual just has no desire to engage in partnered sex with other people for sexual and/or emotional pleasure. If you literally have no interest in having sex with others (ever) and are only interested in porn, that could be asexual (though personally I'd make up some dorky label to encompass what I feel, like ''pornsexual'' haha, I'm kind of over all the label debates on AVEN so just go with funny/dorky/lame labels now) :P

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Whilst yes, an asexual has no desire to engage in partnered sex, it's also worth noting that it is so precisely because they do not feel sexual attraction towards another person. So in your case, what you are (concerning sexuality) is also a matter of whether by 'disinterest' you mean that you do not feel sexual attraction towards women in real life situations at all, or are you only disinterested in engaging in sex with them? As in the thought of it is not appealing because of lack of sexual attraction or might there be some other factors?

If you feel more comfortable with having a label, then I agree with Panfic -- 'questioning' would probably fit you best for now.

If you stick around, hopefully our conversations and insights here on AVEN will help you with figuring things out. Good luck!

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