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Allochronic Orientations: when sexual orientation and romantic orientation don't coincide

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Some people can't feel sexually and romantically at the same time and I've yet to find a term for this. It's not the same thing as a cross-orientation, although it can also contain that (e.g. a homoromantic bisexual who's also allochronic wouldn't be able to feel sexually for the same gender if they felt romantically, and visa versa).

Allochronic does technically refer to geological time; it's actual definition being "(of taxa) occurring in different segments of geologic time; not at the same time" and literally means "different-time". But it's way shorter and less complex than unsynchronized, asynchronized, nonsynchronized, and nonparallel. Ironically all the options are four sylalels long but the next best one has the same number of letters as what's innitially suggested. However, it doesn't really sound right; nonparallel bisexual. (a parallel orientation would probably be heterosexual homoromantic/homosexual heteroromantic, though that's still a cross-oriantation)

Yes, for those of you with dictionaries/google, there is anachronic, but it would still involve morphing a term because it means "out of chronological order (in accordance to a story)" which doesn't apply to every allochronic person because most that I've talked to (which yes is rare) never feel both toward a single person, so it wouldn't be in the wrong order, as well as it being less self explanatory (i.e. definition wise and origin wise; AVEN people probably know allo means other and most others probably know chronic/chronos means time). Oddly enough, anachronism means something is not in the right era (e.g. a cell phone in the middle ages). I suppose, if anything, this would more so apply to demisexuals or something. The only other option i could think of is that allochronics could just go by Gray-sexual Gray-romantic, but that's very vague and normally used for eventual intersection.

All of the possible words are actually listed as synonyms, so perhaps allochronic can be "legally" used that way.

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Are there other names for cross-orientations?

(the cross in cross-orientation refers to hybrid)

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