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Grey-A Teens


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Hi, I'm almost 15, a female, and am still questioning(not sure if im gray a or asexual). I also have absolutely no idea what my romantic orienatation is. I'm really happy I found this thread, for a while I was worried there was no one else my age.

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Hi my name is Frasier, i'm 18 and im from arkansas. ive joined this website because i was a little unclear on my sexuality. i have had sex before (with both genders) and i was just unsure of it. im not sure how much i would really like to do it again. then it occured to me that i may be asexual, so i did some research and i believe i fall under the grey category. i joined this website to further explore and possibly confirm my asexuality. thank you all for having me

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Guest 00--00

Hey guys! I'm Nicole :rolleyes:

19 years old, from Jersey (yes, Joysie)

I am currently still sifting through identities and trying to self reflect to see what suits me best!

Here's what I know:

I am pan sexual, but have had only male intercourse.

I am Asexual but am somewhat sex repulsed...

Although because i do suffer from Bi-Polar disorder, occasionally I do feel as if I am sexually attracted to specific people

(typically whoever I find aesthetically pleasing).

Hope to fully self-identify soon!

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Hi I'm a 19 years old male from the UK

Feel the teenage years are the worst time to be gray ace with horomones and all so think this thread is a great idea!

Have had mini crushes on women before but only if I am really good friends with them and they go after 3 days max (yeah really odd) so think I might be demisexual but not sure. Also I think because of being a gray ace, I seem to have more confidence in speaking to women than the average hetrosexual man because I'm not thinking of them in that way and so my female friends see me as there "gay friend" which I am ok with as it means that there is no sexual tension

Hope I can contribute something to the discussions!

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Nice to meet you, I'm 17 and female. I'm asexual and most likely biromantic. I'm honestly kinda lost because I don't have anyone who I can talk to this about in my life, so I was glad that there are other people who might be able to understand.

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I'm 13 and female, and I'm not sure what I identify with. I never had crushes when I was younger and I never (and still don't!) understood celebrity and sports figure crushes. I also have a few questions. I like pairing people/fictional characters together- like in a ship. Is that normal? And also, can I still be in a relationship even if I'm asexual or Grey-A? I'm feeling confused and would appreciate some answers.

Thanks! ^_^

Also, thanks to whoever made this thread--- it's nice to have people to talk to about this.

I'm 13 and female, and I'm not sure what I identify with. I never had crushes when I was younger and I never (and still don't!) understood celebrity and sports figure crushes. I also have a few questions. I like pairing people/fictional characters together- like in a ship. Is that normal? And also, can I still be in a relationship even if I'm asexual or Grey-A? I'm feeling confused and would appreciate some answers.

Thanks! ^_^

Also, thanks to whoever made this thread--- it's nice to have people to talk to about this.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure shipping fictional characters is normal. You can also be in a relationship if you're gray-a or asexual. Gray-a's and asexuals can be in sexual relationships (there could be a compromise) or they could be in a romantic or queer platonic relationship.

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Hi I'm a 15 year old male. I still can't tell if I'm ace or grey-ace, and I'm also aro. I'm new to this website, and it's nice to see a thread for teens.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

17 year old female and still trying to figure out my identity. I don't really know yet if I'm ace, demi, gray-a, or something else, and it makes me feel better to see people my age who are struggling with the same problem :) It's hard to find teens in the asexual community.

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I'm Leah! 16 year old girl, somewheeeeeeere on the gray-ace spectrum and demiromantic! ^_^ I also personally identify as straight, since I'm only ever attracted to males. (I guess that means I could pin hetero- onto both of my other two labels but that just seems like a lot of syllables.)

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Hi! I'm 18 and I'm female - I'm pretty sure I'm either grey-ace or ace (it's very difficult to tell when you're looking for a lack of something) and I'm hetero-romantic, questioning biromantic :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, my name is Lové. I am 17 years old and I am a female. I am pretty sure I fit into the gray-a spectrum. I joined this site because I am very unclear about my sexuality, and so far this site has offered me some clarification so far on who I am. I also wanted to be able to talk to people who could understand where I am coming from without judgment.

From what I have gathered so far, I could be a cupiosexual, asexual fetishist (from the Quizzy quiz I saw on here.) lithsexual, post rubor, and fictosexual. They seem to fit pretty well to how I am feeling, but I am looking more into those.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I'm 16, and biologically a male. I prefer not to conform to "manly" expectations, though. I'm demisexual, I prefer females, and I'm currently in a relationship.

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19, male and grey-ace and hetero or bi romantic. Nice to meet you all :)



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Hello! I am a thirteen year-old male. Thank you for counting the age of thirteen, I often feel left out on here for my young age.

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  • 1 month later...

Helloooooo, I am 17 and I am somewhere closer to the asexual side of the grey area. Also (probably) demiromantic.

I am madly in love with a boy who thinks !'m straight! (I will do something about this, believe you me!)


Now, question: how many people know about your sexual orientation? (Include where you come from please)

For me one person knew that I wasn't gay or straight till a couple of hours ago, now being a total of three. All of them are LGBTQ+ people.

Nobody yet knows that I consider myself being under the asexual umbrella.

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Hey, nice to meet you!

I'm 15, female, panromantic, and have just found out that I'm ace, or somewhere on the grey-ace spectrum. I wanted to ask you all a couple of things. First, how can I be sure of whether I'm ace or not? I know I'm a bit young to be certain of my sexuality, but perhaps there are tips you can share with me. Also, I tried to talk about this with my family and friends, but most of them don't see to take it very seriously and are convinced I'm kind of "making it up"...

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Paulina Is A Jellybean Jar

Hi! My name is Paulina, I'm 16 and agender-flux. I'm not entirely sure if I'm Gray-A but that's what I identify as currently, it's the best way I can describe how I feel and how I am. I'm still trying to find out who I am.. 

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@NihalSaphira Well, I can't say I am 100% sure of anything, at all, but a defining moment I had was when I was just struck by the fact that /sexy/ photos of people arouse others. (Especially the other guys in my class... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Since the provoking photos never had any effect on me I just kinda figured they are something of a past generation or whatever. Nope. They work. (In varying degrees and whatever, of course, but still. They do)

I haven't told anyone about me considering myself ace yet so I can't help you there.

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Thank you, Maks. I'm not sure I'll ever have an 'eureka' moment like you did, but hey, everyone's different, right?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I'm Josh, I'm 18 and I think I'm somewhere in the grey area, to be honest I'm not entirely sure

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  • 3 weeks later...

14 (almost 15) male dysphorasexual, which I believe to be grey-a, and hetromantic; it's kinda weird when guy friends point out sexual pictures or show them to me, I just kinda get uncomfortable so I don't get aroused like my friends do

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Ok, so I'm a 15 (almost 16) year old male teen. I'm not sure if I'm really asexual so that's why I'm here. If I'm asexual then I'm definitely heteromantic. The weird thing is that I don't normally feel too attracted to people in a sexual way but as soon as I get to know them that feeling just disappears and doesn't come back. Its pretty much the opposite of demisexual. I'm not too sure what I should think about this or what this would be considered, like is it still asexuality? I've never had sex or even had my first kiss

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That sounds like fraysexuality, when you're attracted to someone but as you get to know them more, you stop being attracted to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

17 and demi-romantic and possible gray (although I think I'm close to ace) but still figuring everything out so not in a rush to label myself (although an identity would be helpful I don't want to stress about it) brand new here  :) 


Female and uses she/her pronouns 

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Hey, I'm 13 and probably female but idk... Im gray-a I guess, and bi/panromantic I think but idk

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