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AVENues: Here is your chance to help!


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Hello everyone!

Lately we’ve have had a lot of people interested in helping AVENues, but not exactly sure what they can do for us, or what position are available to help out with. For this reason, I’m going to go through some of the position that we have taken, and what they do, and also other jobs that could always need more help.

An important thing to note is we do most of our brain storming through a Skype group. We also use it to share pictures and remind each other to keep up the good work. For basically all positions listed, there can be multiple people in each roll, with the exception of Editor-In-Chief (although they do have lackies :P )

Editing Team

Editor-In-Chief - CosineTheCat

  • makes deadlines

  • pokes people into doing things (sometimes with sharp sticks)

  • connects with people to get articles

  • gathers editors to plan future issues, ideas, and articles

  • access to official AVENues email

  • Updated social media pages, AVEN wiki

  • creates forms, documents, and spreadsheets for editors to work with

  • closes submitting methods on deadlines

  • annoys PT regularly

General Editor(s) - Sapphire Rose, Nai, SkyWorld

  • Helps plan and brainstorm future ideas, themes, and issues

  • reads through all articles to check for grammatical errors

  • can poke people into writing articles (including themselves)

  • communicates with everyone to make sure that everything is going smoothly

Layout Editor(s) - scarletlatitude, Robin L

  • creates layout for the issue

  • assists with editing

  • helps to poke and connect with contributors if something is missing for the next issue

Editor(s) who is an admod optional abilities

  • Editor on social media pages

  • can annoy PT and other admods

  • access to Official AVENues email

Creative Team

Our creative team is filled with a bunch of different types of roles, and can fluctuate between issues depending on who would like to fill each roll. (because our creative team is still fresh and new, we don't really have anyone who stays as one thing, and therefore names have not been places for who is what)

Regular Contributor(s)

  • is someone who regularly contributes written pieces of work


  • works with editing team to create title pages, footers, and graphics

The Gamer(s)

  • creates ace themed word games

The Compiler(s)

  • complies and creates a comprehensive piece from information collected from forms/ on the forum/ data/ polls

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to PM me, or even email us at newsletter@asexuality.org. This is a great project to work on, and we’re always looking for people to help. Just to make sure we never forget about our original call out for volunteers please find it here! If you’ve never encountered AVENues before, you can find our archive here. Also here is our first edition back!

Nai's take on being part of the team

As an editor of AVENues, my primary responsibilities include checking and contributing to the AVENues staff PM, as well as the Skype group. We’re always looking for ways to improve each issue, so we discuss and exchange ideas regularly. I have to be on top of any new submissions to AVENues. Once a new submission comes in, it is my duty to carefully read the piece and appropriately edit any spelling or grammatical errors. Part of being an editor also means to ensure that nothing in the article is vague, confusing, questionable, or offensive. This is also why it is effective to communicate with my fellow editors; one of us could see a segment of an article as perfectly fine, while the others could see issues with clarity or content within the same segment. We therefore leave comments occasionally as we review each article for feedback from the other editors.

Not only am I an editor, but I am also on the Creative Team for AVENues. This job can be much less demanding than that of being an editor. If AVENues needs cover art or attractive graphics, I am normally one to volunteer or contribute. It is actually a very simple job: people input ideas for what graphics should be on the next issue, and once we all agree on something I or someone else on the Creative Team designs it. Although thus far I have only contributed graphics to AVENues, the Creative Team has a variety of people, from authors to pollers to game designers. We all strive to make reading AVENues as pleasant an experience as possible.

AVENues has been a big part of my life and I am very proud to call myself an editor and Creative Team member for the newsletter. There is great communication from person to person, none of us are afraid to contribute our ideas and suggestions, and in all we work together quite well. Everyone is on top of their tasks and are very devoted to making AVENues a great newsletter for the asexual community. My experience with the AVENues team has been memorable and I am excited to work with the team in making future issues!


This area will be edited bimonthly

Our next issue’s theme is Asexual Research. Check out the google form (linked below), or you can always email us at newsletter@asexuality.org, for this or any other submissions.

Answer our monthly question about asexual research!

Answer here!

We are also accepting any works that you would like to submit -- articles, interviews, drawings, comics, paintings, pictures, poems, stories... whatever you have!

Submit Here!

Deadline for submissions: April 8th, 2016

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Um, any option for type of submission defaults to the "Artwork" submission page

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