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Boys or Girls vs. Boys and Girls


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This question is for biromantics, bisexuals or basically anyone who feels attraction of any kind towards both sexes. Although I strongly oppose the idea of categorizing people, I will make an exception and divide biromantics/bisexuals in two general groups (note that these are made purely from my own observations and conclusions):

1) People who are perpetually attracted to both sexes and do not differentiate the two in any significant way. They can feel attraction to both sexes in the same day and usually don't have a preference.

2) People who are attracted to both sexes but on different period of time. They are attracted to one sex in one period (day/week/month or longer) and then to other one in another period. They rarely or even never feel attraction to both sexes in the same time.

So what I want to know is where do you belong? Maybe there's a third group with people who prefer one sex but sometimes, on especially rare occasions, they feel attracted to other one.

I'd put myself in second one which can be sometimes frustrating to be honest. There's a period when I'm positive I'm straight and then there are periods when I feel attraction solely to my own sex. It's like I separate sexual and emotional, because when it comes to sexual attraction it's only directed towards men (I'm a woman) but on periods when I'm more emotional, I'm attracted to women.

I want to hear your thoughts, experiences, criticism, whatever comes on your mind about this theory :)

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I'm always attracted to all genders, but the attractions are...different? I know I like boys romantically, I know I like girls romantically, I know I like nbs romantically, but all in a different way. So sort of a mix of your two groups, I guess.

Mmm...I guess the go-to food metaphor is handy. I always like French fries and milkshakes, and I'm always in the mood for French fries and milkshakes (like at any given moment if you ask me what I'm hungry for, it's fries and milkshakes), but I like them in different ways. I don't really prefer one over the other, and if I see fries maybe I'll focus on them more than milkshakes for a bit, but overall I'm always down for both.

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Not sure in which category I belong, if at all. I experience attraction way too infrequently to describe myself as someone who is 'perpetually attracted' to both sexes. But if there's an individual who draws my attention, I think I'm more likely to notice (i.e. find attractive) other members of their sex. I'm unconsciously shifting my focus, so to speak. It's just a theory, though.

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I am not bi, but my partner is. I think that for her, she falls more in the former group. She doesn't really see sexes, just people.

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Right you are, sweetie. I fit in the first group. I am biromantic but most importantly I am demiromantic so I basically can fall in love with my best friend ^^ whether that person is male or female or a variation thereupon is irrelevant to me.

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I very much so fit into the second category. Its rare when I'm attracted to both, although if I find, say a girl attractive, and have more of a 'straight' week, I still find that lady very aesthetically pleasing.

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I identify as demisexual because I can get sexually attracted to both genders but only when I'm emotionally bonded with someone. I was never attracted to both genders at the same time, but I also never was bonded strongly with 2 people at the same time...

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It takes me a long time to feel romantic attraction to someone. I am panromantic because it honestly doesn't matter to me what gender a person is. So the first option, I guess.

I'm never attracted to anyone until we have been close friends for quite a while. The one time it did happen it took a year, and it just hit me over the head out of nowhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Manic Pixie Dream Nerd

I'm the oddball fourth group, AKA sexually attracted to girls and romantically attracted to guys. But I do kind of relate to the second group; when I like a guy (even if it's more of a squish than a crush) I tend to feel more like a hetero-romo ace for that time period. (Or an aro ace if it's a squish).

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There are more than two genders, so bi- can refer to other genders besides the traditional male/female.

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I fall mainly in the third category, I'm primarily romantically attracted to males, and the only time I experience alloromantic attraction they always happen to be male, but sometimes I'll meet a female I'm romantically attracted to. It's not super rare, but it's not super common either.

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I'm bisexual and demisexual. I can't technically be attracted to both sexes simultaneously because that would require me to be attracted to at least two people simultaneously. I do think of myself as having an equal potential to become attracted to a woman or a man at any time. When I'm attracted to someone it's all about that specific person. It's not because I'm going through a gay phase or a straight phase.

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Romantically, I'm more of the first group, but my aesthetic preferences fluctuate more than my romantic preferences(although I'm almost always more aesthetically attracted to women than men). I don't really think that these are two entirely distinct groups, some people fall somewhat in between the two.

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The hypothetical third group of which you speak definitely exists. ^_^ In fact, nearly every bisexual person I have met in real life has a preference towards the same sex, and only two have ever said that they prefer the opposite sex (I've also got a demisexual friend online who is male, primarily attracted to females and occasionally attracted to males . . . just for the reference). I actually find that interesting. . . . Anyway, that means, out of the seven or eight people I know personally, only three of them preferred the opposite sex.

Now . . . I don't consider myself biromantic, or panromantic. My ideal partner is male, and I really don't think that will ever change. Female genitals are also much worse to look at, in my opinion, than male ones are. When I think of my life in the future, I'd much rather it be spent with a guy than a girl, romantically speaking. However, I do like to fantasize about kissing (and doing some other stuff) with other girls from time to time.

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Someone's gender has never been the reason I was or wasn't romantically interested in someone.

I am more guarded around men, though, and that tends to slow the process of developping an emotional bond.

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