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What would you call me?!


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Hello friends,

32 and just really starting to realize there are more people out there like me then I think. Everyone seems to have a title for identity but I can't figure out where I fit. I have always just said asexual, but that is not totally true, so this is me... Label away!

I am female. I can enjoy the beauty of both men and women from a distance but if I feel any attraction to anyone it is the male gender. I find the idea is the actual act of sex gross, but with a very perfect person (which has only happened once) am willing. I enjoy the idea of kissing and cuddling on the rare occasion but when the opportunity comes around I really don't enjoy it too much or for too long. I enjoy the emotional closeness of relationships but feel easily closed in and pressured.

Really I am happy and content alone but once a month for two days I want physical stuff even though in reality I think it is gross.

Confused?! Me too!

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By your description, you sound like you're demisexual, though only you can be certain (and realize that orientation can change over time). Demisexual, similar to a gray sexual, is the midpoint between asexual and sexual. Typically, people who identify as this only feel sexual attraction when they develop a deep emotional and romantic bond with someone.

I'd recommend checking this list out too. It helped me a lot. ^_^

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Ooh... really only you yourself can decide what to identify as (or even choose not to identify with anything), nobody else... Like, really they can't; forcing labels on others is against the Terms of Service (ToS). :wacko:

Perhaps check out the links in my signature that might help you figure things out. :) I wish you good luck!

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One Winged Angel

My advice is to never get too caught up on all these labels and terminologies. It is very unlikely that any label can accurately represent you 100%, as you are your own person, an individual. If a certain term feels comfortable or you wish to use it, then do so and enjoy it fully. If you can't find anything, or nothing feels like it really fits how "you" feel on a deep level, then don't sweat it. The important thing is to be yourself!

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