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When does romantic attraction usually begin?


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Hey there, being a fifteen year old ace teenager, I know I've never experienced sexual or romantic attraction.

I've never had a crush, I know this because I've spoken to those who've had crushes and it sounds like something I've never had in my life. I've been in relationships (I'm not sure they counted because I was much younger) and have never had any romantic feelings for the person I'm in a relationship with. I've never looked at someone and thought 'We should date' or 'I can see myself in a relationship with them'.

So far I'm saying I'm pan, I know I would be able to and would like to date a person of any gender. But I'm fifteen and so far? Nothing.

I was just wondering what is the average age that romantic attraction begins to develop in romantic children/teenagers? Could I just be a late romantic bloomer, have I not found anyone at all I find attractive romantically? Maybe I am just an Aromantic who wants a romantic or queerplatonic relationship, because I am a very pansensual person.

Any insight would be very useful, thanks!

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I'm an 18 year old biromantic ace. I've had crushes and felt a desire to get closer to others. I consider that romantic attraction because I desire a close relationship with them. I guess for me it started in middle school. Probably anywhere in your teenage years.

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Honestly, for me romantic attraction started as early as at the age of 4 or 5.

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Mycroft is Yourcroft

Who knows when love begins? Who knows what makes it start? One day it's simply there, alive inside your heart ( :P )

Seriously though, a crush usually feels pretty... exciting? When you're attracted to someone there's this definite feeling of wanting to be around them, but also slight nervousness about being around them. And, in keeping with Webber's song lyrics up there, it's not always obvious when the feelings are developing until it hits you one day that 'whelp, I like this person'.

I think it really depends from person to person as to when it starts; I know people who've gotten serious crushes (more like infatuation in some cases) when they were 12, and one of my friends only developed a crush for the first time a few months ago (they're 20). Feelings are weird, it's hard even trying to start figuring them out :P

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Lord Jade Cross

Hmm I guess that its subjective like its been stated before. I dont know if Ive ever felt romantic attraction. At least not based on the idea that you want to be closer to people. I do know Ive found some people atttactive and even a little bit intimidating in the sense that youre careful not to act like a fool around them because they might think youre weird. But its hard to tell if those have been cases of aesthetic attraction, romantic attraction or just cases of infatuation.

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Romantic attraction starts at no conclusive age; it completely depends on the person. For some people it's early elementary and others it's in high school.

Yes, you could be a late bloomer, not have met the right person that triggers romantic attraction for you, or require a bond (that you've yet to experience) before feeling romantic attraction, just like you could also be aromantic. Only time will tell. You are young, so I'd say 17 or 18 would be more of a conclusive age.

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It started for me when I was 15 (sophomore year of high school) with this boy on my Science Olympiad team.

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I'm an 18 year old grey-panromantic asexual. I've never had a crush before (to my knowledge), however I feel the same as you in that I think I would be able to have a romantic relationship with someone of any gender. It just feels wrong to call myself aromantic, I don't think that's the right term for me even though I haven't experienced romantic attraction to date.

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Lightning Blue Ray

I was 15 when I got my first 'crush', but I hesitate to call it a full blown crush. I was overseas on a school trip, and I started having very faint feelings for this boy, however, it was only after I sensed that he liked me first. At that time, I didn't know about asexuality or aromanticism, so everything seemed normal. It was only after I learned about the two spectrums (at two different times), that I realized that this feeling was different compared to the squishes I got (normally on boys). Now, whenever we communicate on facebook, I'm trying to convince myself I have feelings for him, though they may have faded now. Long story, but basically it was a blurry line for me. It can be hard to tell.

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I've only really experience strong romantic attraction to 2-3 people so far. My first major crush lasted from age 15 or so through 17 or 18. And then another from 19-20. But I echo the sentiment that it really depends on the person.

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