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Asexuality, Acronyms, and belonging into the queer community


AVEN Census to Acronyms  

  1. 1. What do you think should be the standard acronym if you had to pick one?

    • LGBTQA
    • LGBTQ
    • LGBT
    • GSRM
    • GSRD
    • GSR
    • GSD
    • GSA
    • HBTQ
    • Other acronym (Please post comment)
    • Don't know / Haven't Decided
    • LGBTQIAP (Added Option)
    • LGBTQQIAAP (Added Option)
    • QUILTBAG (Added Option)
    • MOGAI (Added Option)
  2. 2. In this acronym - "LGBTQIA", what does the A stand for? -

    • Asexual
    • Allies
    • Depends on who you're talking to
    • Don't know
    • Agender (Added option)
  3. 3. Do you belong into any groups that carries one or more of those acronyms

    • Yes
    • Depends
    • No
    • Other

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This is a poll that's exactly about what the title said. That being said, I have decided to bring up some references for you in order to decode the acronyms easier.

Letters and Representation

L : Lesbian
G1 : Gay
B : Bi/Bisexual
T : Trans/Transexual/Transgender
Q1 : Queer
Q2 : Questioning
I : Intersex
P : Pansexual
2S : 2-Spirited
A1 : Asexual
A2 : Allies
G2 : Gender
R : Romantic Orientation
M1 : Minorities
S1 : Sexuality

D : Diversity
H : Homosexual

+ : Diversity and not mentioned groups

S2 : Straight

A3 : Alliance

A4 : Agender

O : Orientation

M2 : Marginalized


LGBTQQIP2SAA - Lesbian ; Gay ; Bi/Bisexual ; Trans/Transexual/Transgender ; Queer ; Questioning ; Intersex ; Pansexual ; 2-Spirited ; Asexual ; Allies

LGBTQ - Lesbian ; Gay ; Bi/Bisexual ; Trans/Transexual/Trangender ; Queer

GSRM - Gender ; Sexuality ; Romantic Orientation ; Minorities

GSRD - Gender ; Sexuality ; Romantic Orientation ; Diversity

HBTQ - Homosexual ; Bisexual ; Trans/Transexual/Transgender ; Queer

GSA - Gay Straight Alliance

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I would say LGBTQIAP+. Just personally.

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LGBTQQIP2SAA, a for asexual and a for agender ABSOLUTELY NOT for ally

QUILTBAG also works

i don't just belong to groups i admin them

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I'm all for including everybody but there's just so many letters! I feel like it's going to be too much for some people to remember. I think it's great that everybody gets included though. It's nice to feel like you belong somewhere. I definitely like LGBTQQIP2SAA the best.

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Batman's Ace

GSRM, because it's one I can actually remember, and doesn't risk offending by omission because nobody's specifically listed.

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What about MOGAI? Or just using the word queer?


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GSRM, because it's one I can actually remember, and doesn't risk offending by omission because nobody's specifically listed.

it omits DSD (intersex)

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I've been trying to launch ACV (asexuals, celibates, and virgins), but I haven't had time to try very hard due to current preoccupations with a new job and intellectual property.

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I feel like this is getting kind of ridiculous. I want inclusion as much as the next person, but acronyms aren't very fun, and a word for everyone could suffice.

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I feel like this is getting kind of ridiculous. I want inclusion as much as the next person, but acronyms aren't very fun, and a word for everyone could suffice.

so how about "human" if you want to cover everyone (i don't insist everyone be covered but i do insist on accuracy, don't say it covers everyone when it does not)

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I say LGBTQ+, as otherwise it gets too long to say out loud, haha! Also, I think the A stands for asexual, aromantic, and agender.

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I'd say GSM or GSRM is best.....

I think LGBTQ is getting outdated and to complicated.....

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I just use LGBT+. It's an original, most frequently used term, but expanded to all orientations/genders. So no one should feel left out.
It think that adding letters is pointless, because there will always be someone who is going to feel left out, someone who doesn't belong to any of those letters.

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Why not just generalise and use NCH, stands for Non-Cis-Hetero, seems to me much simpler, and includes all minorities without creating any more alphabet soup.

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Groovy Teacakes

LGBTQ+ is what I'd use because many people would be able to recognise it and the + covers everything else. The A stands for Asexual, Aromantic and Agender but there wasn't the choice to pick more than one option. I don't mind the inclusion of Allies in the umbrella sometimes, but I don't think they should have their own letter.

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Why not just generalise and use NCH, stands for Non-Cis-Hetero, seems to me much simpler, and includes all minorities without creating any more alphabet soup.

works for me but you do know some people consider the term Cis hateful (yeah i don't care about THOSE people either)

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Results shows majority seem to be for covert inclusive acronyms. More than 1/3 disagree that A should be at least one of the following {Asexual, Agender} is always A. The only reason why I didn't put aromantic as part of A is that I do not see evidence for support of that, and aromantic sexuals are a thing. Not every asexuals seems to want/care/belong in the community. In fact, more than 1/3 feels it depends or they do not want to be part of it.

About 2/3 feels that A is always for asexual. About 1/3 does not.

About 2/3 feels like they belong. About 1/3 does not.

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I like GSRM or LGBT+ the '+' is important.

I think that the A should stand for asexual, a romantic and agender.

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I chose other because an acronim which covers everyone, present and future, is hard to find, and then it is one heck of a mouthful, so I like the ones that include as many as they can and then add a + sign

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Batman's Ace

GSRM, because it's one I can actually remember, and doesn't risk offending by omission because nobody's specifically listed.

it omits DSD (intersex)

I've heard of intersex, but what does DSD stand for?

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GSRM, because it's one I can actually remember, and doesn't risk offending by omission because nobody's specifically listed.

it omits DSD (intersex)

I've heard of intersex, but what does DSD stand for?

it is the newer designation, difference of sex development (this designation is one which stop pathologizing it)

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I usually like anything with a "+" since it seems quite inclusive. On the other hand, if we decided to use something such as "LGBT+", an issue might arise. With this acronym, we chose to show 4 letters before the plus. Why did we choose those 4 letters (L,G,B and T) over all the other possibilities? Was it prevalence or importance? If it was due to importance, it would make a lot of people sad. :(

I feel that if we had an acronym comprising every existing minority group, we might as well call it "The Minorities Letter Train"! :lol: It would get really long! I prefer terms like GSRM since they're easier to write (and remember). However, a good point (made by allrightalready, above) states that intersex/DSD was omitted. I wonder, would GSRIM be a good inclusive term or would we still be forgetting people? I actually wouldn't mind the term "minorities" but perhaps that isn't too specific.

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Batman's Ace

You know, it might be easier to decide on a term if we could establish a clear standard for what it means to be queer.

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You know, it might be easier to decide on a term if we could establish a clear standard for what it means to be queer.

people cannot even agree on if that is a hate term or not (it is a hate term at least for many people my age)

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I think that it should be GSRD since it basically includes EVERY single gender/orientation out there. But this is for literally everyone. So if you want to say something INSTEAD of LGBT you should use GSRM.

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I voted GSRD.

LGBT-something, too long.

GSRM reminds me too much of 1990s cell phones.

MOGAI, even worse, it makes me think about gremlins.

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I personally like GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities), but I voted for LGBTQ+. I think too many people are familiar with the LGBT-type acronyms for people to change to something else. And if we are going to go with the alphabet soup that is LGBT, then I think LGBTQ+ is the way to convey the most information with the least amount of letters. As long as people agree that the Q stands for queer, a case can be made that the Q is a catch all for people who do not fit the first few letters, but are still part of the GSRM community.

Both GSRM and LGBTQ+ also have the added benefit of avoiding the whole "Is A for allies or asexual?" debate.

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Sleepy Skeleton

Okay, but why are people seriously voting for LGBTQQIPAAQMAKMSFANS when it can be nicely tidied up with a plus sign instead?

This is a real question. Who on earth voted for those alphabet soup acronyms?

(The only terms I use are GSRM, MOGAI, and LGBT+. The A stands for asexual, aromantic, and agender. NEVER ally.)

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