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Can you have more then one sexual thing?

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I idenfitfy as bi. But have some short of grey asexual part of me. That is only for men. I an completely sexual with girls. I am new to asexual things. Can this happen?

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Although I don't personally experience this, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for you to be fully allosexual with girls and gray-ace with guys. Sexuality can work it weird and unexpected ways, so it's perfectly normal to have attraction that fits that description. :)

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It might be easier to say that you're bi with a preference for women. I'd hesitate to add ace labels in there since you aren't technically ace.

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Yup, it's called a cross-orientation. Biromantic Homosexual i presume, or is it just Gray-Bisexual?

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It might be easier to say that you're bi with a preference for women. I'd hesitate to add ace labels in there since you aren't technically ace.

Yup, it's called a cross-orientation. Biromantic Homosexual i presume, or is it just Gray-Bisexual?

Yes both make since. I have never heard of cross-orientation before.

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I agree with Star Bit about cross-orientation. I hope you'll find a fitting identity. ^_^

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Cross orientation is when your romantic and sexual orientations don't match up. So in the example Star Bit gave, you could be bi romantically (interested in men and women in a romantic sense), but homosexual when it comes to sexuality (interested only in girls sexually). I definitely worth looking into a bit more if you want to find a label. :)

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It can definitly be a thing. I am alloromantic towards men, but grayromantic towards women (well, it's a bit more than gray just towards women, but for the sake of this example, we'll simplifiy it). It's perfectly possible to have two different types of sexual attraction towards two different sets of people.

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