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Crushing on my best friend?


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So, I consider myself a demi/panromantic ace, and I've had this amazing friend for yeears, since fourth grade! And we have so many similar interests, and I just love her to death. I don't know if I can call myself a demi, though, because I don't like kissing or cuddling, and I don't find the need in holding hands. The term "dating" kills me. I love hugging (her) and spending as much time as I can with her! Recently she's been in and out of the hospital, and her pain just absolutely kills me. I want to spend as much time as I possibly can! I've been really wanting to get to know her sexuality (I know, how have I been with her this long, and not know that?) and I just feel like I want to learn so much more about her on a personal level (not to make her uncomfortable, though). BTW, I've never gotten this close to anyone, and I really don't care to spend time with my other acquaintances, except my guy friend who I have a huge squish on. From as much as I've said, is this just a bad case of squish-syndrome or do you think I could be demi?

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Well, those kind of things are really subjective, you would have to define by yourself whether you have a romantic attachment to her or not. Using my personal criteria I would say that with my "squishes" is that correct? and close friends in general are people that I want to spend the most time possible doing something with. Whether good moments, such as a good film or a concert, or bad moments, like a awful class or a bad movie (so we goof around and mock it the whole way through). But that's the thing, you need to engage in a activity. You want to laugh with your friend. When you love someone you want to see her/him/them laugh. Simply as that. A friend is a companion in a adventure. Someone you love is the adventure. It sort of is a goal on itself. He/She/Xhe is beautiful simply because He/She/Xhe is, simply because they exist. I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but it sorta of how I see it.

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Well, those kind of things are really subjective, you would have to define by yourself whether you have a romantic attachment to her or not. Using my personal criteria I would say that with my "squishes" is that correct? and close friends in general are people that I want to spend the most time possible doing something with. Whether good moments, such as a good film or a concert, or bad moments, like a awful class or a bad movie (so we goof around and mock it the whole way through). But that's the thing, you need to engage in a activity. You want to laugh with your friend. When you love someone you want to see her/him/them laugh. Simply as that. A friend is a companion in a adventure. Someone you love is the adventure. It sort of is a goal on itself. He/She/Xhe is beautiful simply because He/She/Xhe is, simply because they exist. I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but it sorta of how I see it.

Oh my God, thank you so so much. I love you for explaining this XD

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Oh my God, thank you so so much. I love you for explaining this XD


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