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Anyone else get unwanted sexual dreams?

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I'm really asking this because I had one last night. It is very rare that I do get sex dreams but when I do I always wake up feeling disturbed. But I treat it like other unwanted dreams, like where I kill people, have something scarey happen or hurt people that I acre about. It dosn't really effect my real life, even if I do hate those dreams.

I just wanted to know if such dreams are a common occurrence with asexuals?

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I can only speak for myself, but I've only had one dream where things got a bit sexy, and even then it was more of a random plot bit of what felt like a story I was watching unfold.

Most of my dreams are natural disaster, espionage, epic drama adventures... or really nonsensical and boring. So, I'd have to say that, at least with me, sexual dreams are not common at all.

That being said, I think sometimes dreams are just dreams, or bits of stuff one might have had on their mind (maybe subconciously). We still don't understand much of what the brain does, so there's really no telling if there's any meaning behind them.

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Yes, I've gotten them for a while. I don't like them either.

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I've only had a handful myself and the majority of them were unpleasant because of the scenario they were in and not so much the sex itself. The only one I've had that was tolerable was because the situation it was in wasn't worrying. I still woke up from it a little taken aback but it was far less of shock than what I got with the other ones. They're not a common thing for me nor are they nightmares so I can't complain about them too much. They're not the best dreams to have imo but they could certainly be a lot worse y'know?

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This may sound strange, but I've conditioned myself to wake up before a dream gets "wet", if you catch my drift. Not sure how I do it, but I'm glad I do.

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chair jockey

Asexuals do sometimes have sex dreams. Mine are rare, and, when they do happen, feature the same detachment and dissociation I experienced in real-life sexual situations before discovering the concept of asexuality. In that sense they're amazingly lifelike but not titillating or stimulating...or even interesting. They don't affect my waking life at all and I generally stop thinking about them soon after they end.

Potential TMI:

My weirdest sex dream involved a 70-year-old midget. She was very clearly an old woman but was about three feet tall. The second-weirdest involved a partner who it seems was standing and bent double so that I never saw her or any part of her body at all during the entire dream because my eyes were glued to the wall a few feet in front of me. During that dream I heard soft voices off to the side so it appears that other people were present and observing the sex act. Weird, huh?

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It happens, rarely, but enough that it's irritating, so can empathise.

It's basically how I reconcile masturbation; I'd rather do that and deal with the discomfort in a controlled way than wake up in the middle of the night in need of clean clothes and bed linen. Perhaps a tad lame, but it seems to work for the most part, though still not exactly fond of it

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i rarely have dreams i remember and when i do they mostly involve me going through horrible experiences again, sex dreams just don't seem to occur though, if i had one it would disturb me

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I usually do when i have sex on my mind too much (watched a movie with a scene in it, read something, etc) because our dreams take from what we have already seen or experienced. It annoys me too because im somewhat sex repulsed

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I had one a few weeks ago. In my dream i was feeling really indifferent about it. But I remember that at the same time I kept trying to run away from it.

It was a really bad dream, it wasn't scary, but weird and boring. It was a normal dream where I thought about sex as a normal thing that just was there but that I didn't need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not ever, actually. Guess I'm the odd one out, here

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I've had two dreams involving sex.. both were extremely unpleasant and I couldn't figure out how to post the spoiler box so I didn't mention how because I don't wanna accidentally trigger anyone... I imagine I might be indifferent about sex dreams if they didn't involve the element I can't mention lol....

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