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Help, I'm questioning my romantic orientation.


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Right now I identify as biromantic, but lately I've felt like that doesn't really fit. I've had crushes on both men and women, but I almost never even think of a person romantically unless they have shown some sign of having a crush on me. Even then my attraction to them usually doesn't last long,a month or two at the most.

It's really awful because there is nothing I want more in life than to fall in love,get married and have children, and i love every sappy romance story out there, but I feel like I'm never going to be able to have that.

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I wish I could help, but the only one who can determine their romantic orientation is yourself. However, in the end labels are just labels, and you can go without one for a bit. Just wait until you feel comfortable selecting your romantic orientation, and it can always change as well.

I am pretty sure I am Aro, but perhaps something in the future will change that, who knows?

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Can that be considered part of the demi spectrum? Sounds like the opposite of lith.

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Recipromantic: only feeling romantic attraction after someone has shown interest

Frayromantic: romantic attraction fades away

Both types of Gray-romantic so you could also use that.

As for what you want, there are queerplatonic relationships.

Queerplatonic relationship (QPR): an emotionally platonic relationship that has characteristics of a romantic/sexual relationship. It can be an importance/closeness stronger than the best friend norm, displaying platonic sensual attraction (only differing from romantic sensual attraction with chaste kissing, although preferring chaste kissing or no kissing does not make one’s feelings unromantic), friends with sexual benefits, romantically pleasing someone you platonically love (QP to one and romantic to the other), or any combination of those. They may or may not have monogamy, live together, or look like a couple to the public. Romantics and Aromantics can have QPRs.

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In my perspective, it seems like you are biromantic, but in a way that you only feel romantic attraction when someone likes you. Hmmm... Sounds like you could be on the gray or demi spectrum too.

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