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Grey-Ace because of Disability, or what?


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Hiya I'm new here... bit nervous making my first topic and interacting with y'all so please bear with me. Ok I should first start off with some history and information. I'm 28yrs old, I've been in 4 sexual relations with the opposite sex (it took me at least 2 minutes to remember how many... forgive me the person I forgot. We had sex like... twice.) I certainly enjoy the sex and become more interested in sex the closer I am to said person (I can't do it with a stranger). Ok so here's the kicker, when i was a kid I used to be a horny little shit but I never wanted to actually do it with anyone, I lost my virginity at 22. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with a long term illness of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, over the years I've become even more uninterested in sex and even less horny. I very rarely find someone sexually attractive at all, so I guess what I'm getting at is this something normal or could be related to my condition?

I find the fact being Aromantic hard to become sexually close with others because I don't want a one night stand and I don't want a relationship. Each one has ended horrifically and I'm always utterly miserable when I'm in one no matter how nice they are. Thanks!

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I would wager that your declining interest in engaging in sex may be related to your syndrome, but your attraction is likely unaffected, since it does occur, albeit rarely, and attraction is very much psychological.

You know yourself, your history, and how you feel best, though.

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