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bill cipher

I would just like to ask if someone could tell me what these terms mean, they are new to me, and I get confused:





Thank you.

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Grey-asexuality is kind of like a middle ground between sexuality and asexuality. Sexual orientation is a spectrum, so the option to identify as gray-a exists for people who don't feel fully sexual but also don't feel fully asexual. Often people who use the label experience sexual attraction rarely, or only under certain circumstances.

Just like asexual describes someone who does not feel sexual attraction, aromantic describes someone who does not feel romantic attraction. The asexual community like to differentiate between romantic and sexual orientations, because many asexuals still are attracted to people in a romantic way while others aren't. Any prefix that can be used to describe a sexual orientation can be used to describe a romantic orientation, and aromantic is just one example of this.

Polysexual is a sexual attraction to multiple, but not all genders. I can see how this would be confusing, if you've never been exposed to it before, but there are many more genders out the than just male and female, and plenty of people exist outside the gender binary. If someone if polysexual, they can be attracted to some of these genders, and someone who is pansexual could be attracted to all of them.

Agender is one of the non-binary genders I alluded to above. People who identify as agender usually feel as though they don't have a gender, and that they are neither a man or a woman.

I hope that helps! If it still doesnt make sense, feel free to ask for more clarification, or you could check out the AVEN wiki if you'd rather research on your own.

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deltaX is pretty spot on. I'd also like to add to gray-asexuality as many newcomers question the difference between gray-asexuality and demisexuality. Demisexuality is a subset of gray-ace. It's just one specific description of how a gray-ace will have sexual attraction. So in other words, all demisexuals are also gray-ace, but not all who are gray-ace are demisexual.

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Gray-A is anything between having sexual attraction and not; having characteristics of both simultaniously (like Lithsexual; having sexual attraction but not wanting it reciprocated in real life) or at different times (like Demisexual; sexual attraction after a certain bond; asexual prior to the triggering bond).

Aromantic: no romantic attraction or desire to be in such a relationship despite romantic feelings. Nothing more; they can still like romance from other couples.

Polysexual means sexually attracted to many but not all sexes. For example, someone is only attracted to ppl with vaginas so they will date someone female, a trans male who will not have surgery (for whatever reason), intersex with a vagina, someone who has half way transitioned with pecs and female lowers, but no one with a penis.

Agender is identifying with no gender.

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You can also check out the AVENWiki, which houses a lot of information about various terminology, here.:)

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