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Help with mixed up friendships and stuff


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1) What is considered a friend differs by culture. Americans are extremely quick to call someone a friend; even a one time acquaintance. Other cultures take the word seriously. But i too am the same way with friends as you; as were my friends, so it really just depends if you find your kind or not. But the word friend has been deluded even more by social networks using the word and the overuse of what is a best friend, which lowers what a friend is as a result.
2) idk; me and my friends weren't average ppl and i didn't closely know any average ppl so idk their perspective.
3) You could tell her the truth; at least for her sake/sanity. Say you only want close friends, and although you two were close in a way, you never fully felt it though. So it doesn't sound like a relationship you want to get back into. Though she's older now, right? Maybe she's changed or at least relationship wise and you could feel what you want in the relationship now. Though she probably just thinks you don't want to get back together as friends and have her break it up again/a constant on and off thing. So you could just leave it at that.
4) It's not an Ace thing, but you can be however you like.

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Thank you for the reply. I did tell her I wouldn't be able to do anything other that close friends before we fully broke up. I will talk to her again and see how things go... maybe things will be better and we can be friends again.

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