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Typical "not sure what I am" thread (sorry)

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I'm really new to the mere idea of me being asexual - I never considered it for myself. I'm just putting all the pieces together and I would like to see if anyone could introduce me to some terms that you think align with this specific case. For one, I've always told friends I don't want to be sexually active ever. Here's where the fluidity comes in. Number one, I'm just uncomfortable with sex, especially when I think of the mechanics. Sometimes I can watch Porn and even get aroused but other times it has no effect on me. It's not necessarily gross, it just isn't interesting. I just realized I've only had one crush in the past four years and I'm barely ending freshmen year. I have never been in a serious relationship and I've never been attracted to someone so much as to say "I would have sex with them". I've undressed people with my eyes or even fantasized but I wouldn't have sex with anyone. I go through periods of not being attracted to anyone and periods of being attracted to a certain gender but not to the point for anyone in my life where I'd say that I'd have sex with them. Anyone wanna take a whack???

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I think you explained yourself very well. :)

Nobody can assign a label to you and how you identify is completely up to you. That being said, it really sounds like you're asexual. If you never actually want to have sex with another person, you're asexual.

When you say that you find people of a certain gender "attractive," consider what you mean. You might be aesthetically attracted to them, meaning you find them pleasing to look at it. This is the same feeling one experiences when one looks at sunset. A sunset is pretty to look at but that doesn't mean you want to have sex with it. Similarly, you can appreciate what someone looks like without wanting sex.

You can also be sexually attracted to people without desiring to follow through on sexual activity. Undressing people with your eyes or having fantasies are way different from actually having sex. Furthermore, plenty of asexuals experience arousal and watch porn. There are also many asexuals who masturbate. Being asexual only means you don't actually want to have partnered sex.

You may also want to consider if you are on the aromantic spectrum. Keep in mind that romantic orientation and sexual orientation are separate. There are romantic asexuals, for instance, who feel romantic but not sexual attraction. Since you say that you have only had one crush, you might be on the aromantic spectrum, possibly gray-romantic or demiromantic. Also, this crush might have been a "squish" if you had an intense desire to get to know them platonically but not romantically.

Hopefully this helps and I didn't throw too much info at you! Let me know if you have any other questions, and feel free to learn more elsewhere on the site. :D

Welcome to AVEN!! :cake:

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Nope that makes perfect sense!! I'm probably biromantic then. Thank you so much for the terms and explaining. In that case I'm 100% ace. Thank you x1000

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