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Is this an obsession?


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I'd just call it an unmasking fetish and unless it is making their life difficult to live (in which case I would suggest therapy) there is nothing wrong or weird about it. Just a regular fetish like any other fetish really :)

EDIT: I just searched to see if I could find a name for the fetish, and I see you have asked the exact same question on another site and received a pretty good answer. Not really sure why you felt the need to post the question again here. Anyway, maybe if you join FetLife (which is an online fetish and kink community) and ask in the latex groups over there, someone will be able to provide you with an actual specific name. There may even be a group for it over there. Again,I 'd just call it an unmasking fetish, or latex unmasking fetish if it's only for latex masks.

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I don't know where to draw the border to "obsession". Like PanF. above I guess its a fetish like any other fetish and who cares? - I disagree upon

this fetish/obsession/kink is wrong with a variety of reasons

Sorry, IMHO only these fetishes which you aren't allowed to cater via Youtube & similar could be considered "wrong" at all, as long as we don't go out and urge others to live our fetishes for us.

Maybe you stumbled across: "it exist. -> It must be somebody's fetish." before?

Back to "obsession". If the life surrounding one becomes hard to do, theraphy might be needed & helpful. But there are tons of "obsessive" harmless little quirks too. And I really wish everybody in the world finds time peace and privacy to enjoy imagery they like (no matter if its (legal) porn or just landscapes kittens or cute comics to fall asleep over)

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It's just a subset of mask fetishes. Like all fetishes, there are various specializations and such within it.

People who fear masks have maskaphobia -- yep, that's what it's called -- so I guess the term we want is maskaphile.

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Bipolar Bear

Asexual Q&A Mod

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