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Understanding Sex-Repulsed Asexuality


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Asexuality means you do not experience sexual attraction. The way asexual feels about having sex can vary- a lot. Some asexuals are completely indifferent, some are only indifferent for some sexual activities and feel- one way or the other- about the rest, some asexuals like sex for the physical pleasure it gives them, and some just find it super gross.

Sex repulsed asexuals are the last type.

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nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here nothing here

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I consider myself moderately sex-repulsed.

I can handle the concept of sex in a scientific/clinical manner, and even find the science of sex quite fascinating. I don't get bothered by non-sexual nudity and frequently attend life drawing sessions held at the local art gallery. I don't even mind clever innuendoes and double entendres. I have even found some written erotica entertaining, though it has never made me have the reaction to it that it's authors are expecting.. ie. I don't get sexual feelings from it. I react to erotica like I react to all stories. If it's very well written, I enjoy it on its literary merits alone. I have a libido, but it isn't bothersome and is easily ignored. I generally don't care what others do to/with each other, as long as it is hurting no one else (infidelity, revenge porn, child porn, etc.), isn't in everyone's faces/public places (PDA, exhibitionism), and isn't rooted in social or financial inequalities that cause a gaping power difference between the participants (prostitution when the earnings do not go solely to the sex worker and are instead paid to a pimp, employer/employee where employment or raises hinge on sex, teacher/student where grades hinge on sex, and sex slavery).

That said, the expectation that I would personally take part in any sexual act disgusts me absolutely. The very concept makes my skin crawl. The idea that someone would expect me to touch his genitals makes me feel physically ill, let alone the idea that I'd be expected to perform oral sex on him. That thought actually makes me gag (and I'm fighting the gagging as I'm typing this). I find the entire concept repulsive in the extreme. Horrible and horrific! The idea that I'd be expected to let a male put his genitals into mine is so disgusting as to provoke a serious panic/horror response in me, a flight/fight response equal to that of people who feel they must fight for their survival. My reaction to female genitals, including my own, is a much milder disgust (but still disgust), but without the extreme, intense, flight/fight response. The only time I touch that part of my own body is during hygienic practices.

Some might assume that my intense rejection of the idea that I would have to be sexual must stem from being molested as a young child. And perhaps some of my deep mistrust, as someone who wears a female body, of sexually-oriented males does come from that, but I was repulsed by sex before I was molested. If anything, the molestation, and two later attempted rapes, and two sexual relationships I was coerced into, and the hundreds of disgusting sexual remarks women get just for being women just made me feel contempt for certain sexual males who claim they can't help themselves, the ones who'd molest/rape if they thought they could get away with it, the ones who'd use coercion and guilt-trips and manipulation to get what they want, the ones who think they're entitled to sex and treat women like sex is a woman's only purpose. This sort is hopefully a minority, but it seems like they're getting more and more common. That sort have always been far too vocal and attention-seeking. And that sort is the reason I react more intensely to males pressing sexual contact on me than females.. because I've never, ever had a female behave in a sexual manner towards me, but I've faced it hundreds of times from males.. in small ways, like leering and gross comments, and major ways like child molestation, attempted rape, sexual coercion, and stalking. It isn't all... or even most, but it's enough to make me wary.

I also find that the more sexual images are in public view, the more impatient, repelled, and annoyed I become. The more often sex is in the media, the less accepting I am of it being there. I know sexualized advertising works for 99% or so of people... I know 99% or so of the population likes sex scenes in movies and TV shows... I know most people don't mind graphic sexual content in popular music... but I'm getting to the point where I feel the constant sex Sex SEX in everything we see and hear from mainstream media sources has hit critical mass and I'm just sick of it. I don't want to shove us all back to the 1950's, but please, can we stop with the giant billboard underwear/jeans ads that are nothing but a walking set of abs with his hand down the front of his pants and quit showing people grinding and twerking in music videos? Seriously. Enough already!

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I also find that the more sexual images are in public view, the more impatient, repelled, and annoyed I become. The more often sex is in the media, the less accepting I am of it being there. I know sexualized advertising works for 99% or so of people... I know 99% or so of the population likes sex scenes in movies and TV shows... I know most people don't mind graphic sexual content in popular music... but I'm getting to the point where I feel the constant sex Sex SEX in everything we see and hear from mainstream media sources has hit critical mass and I'm just sick of it. I don't want to shove us all back to the 1950's, but please, can we stop with the giant billboard underwear/jeans ads that are nothing but a walking set of abs with his hand down the front of his pants and quit showing people grinding and twerking in music videos? Seriously. Enough already!


I can't even go to the oval and roller skate without the popular radio station playing new music. Yes, new music is good...the MUSIC is good, but some of the lyrics...like, come on.

I don't want to see Kim K's ass anymore. Please. I don't CARE about Kylie Jenners wild birthday. who, except cheaters and spouses of such, CARE about the damn Ashely Maddison site?? In my city there's a guide in the local rag that calls itself "the ultimate hook up guide. Get laid tonite" um really? Is this what everyone else thinks about, cause I'm kinda worried about the economy etc 😐


I've resorted to watching documentaries on YT because I'm not going to see explict sex scenes.

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"It's hard to be repulsed by something unless you understand it on some level"

I would definitely agree with this!

I was never sex repulsed when I was younger... I had always found erotica appealing and sex jokes funny but I never thought more of it. When I tried to get intimate in my previous relationships (when I was 16 -> legal age here in Australia) I was overwhelmed by repulsion from the looks and smells and I felt disgusting even hours afterwards. It was one of the worst things I have ever felt in my life and I wouldn't do it again :P

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