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Coming Out to Religious Parents


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Two years ago I told my parents that I was asexual. Since then I have also come to terms with the fact that I am bi-romantic as well. I need to tell my parents because this is not something I can hide. The problem is that both my parents are conservative Christians. I know my mom will react better than my father, so I'm going to tell her first and wait to tell my father in person (I'm out of the country for a few months). This would be my last summer at home, so if something goes wrong I'm already set to graduate college and move on with life.

Does anyone have any advice for how to go about this? How do I tell my parents I'm something they've always disagreed with?

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1 Corinthians 7 is a good thing to have bookmarked in a Bible to show them. It is Paul saying how he does not feel lust, and it is good.

Also, Matthew 19:12 is a good one, it is saying "there are those who live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Let them."

Those will probably help with Christians.

Also, the Bible does not actually say that a woman laying with a woman is sinful, only a man laying with a man. It also says nothing about romantic relationships. So, as long as you don't have sex, it should be okay, by the Bible wording. Of course, these facts are often glossed over by the conservative religious types.

Hope this helps.

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i recommend that you use the bible in your explanation. dig around for things that you could use. anything.

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Guest Kam97

What's more important if you are religious? If you are, u've got to question whether ur religion condones your bi asexuality, if not, you may need to decide between the two. Unlike asexuality, religion isnt a grey matter area. You are either a christian and asexual or you are one of them. Your parents dont matter until u've figured this one out. And when you do, they must accept it whether they like it or not - its ur life, not theirs.

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Not sure how to answer :S

I mean, Christians usually talk about 'no sex before marriage', and asexuality means you don't want sex.

'Hey mum, dad... i'm not boning anyone. Yeah, really boring, no scandal here'. You're kind of not breaking any rules. (Even if you're bi-romantic)

Then again, your parents are probably afraid of what other people would think, kind of like how you're afraid what they would think

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I recommend that you wait until you're out of the house, and even then, why would you need to tell them? I doubt if the Christian religion (although admittedly I'm not a Christian...) requires you to tell your parents everything you feel. Your sexual orientation and your romantic orientation are your feelings.

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I have no advice to offer myself, being neither religious or have parents that might have trouble interesting. However, I'd like to refer you to this blog I follow on Tumblr. She's super good with advice, so she might be able to offer you some: http://asexualchristian.tumblr.com

Best of luck!

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Irezumi Hikari

I'm a Christian asexual from a religious family. I didn't really feel the need to tell them because I didn't feel guilty of any sins. I am married and don't tell my family about my sex life because it's not really their business whether or not I'm having sex. If you feel that it's important to tell them how you feel, then I agree with Zash. In the bible, Paul does talk about being without lust as a good thing, so I would imagine they wouldn't really object much.

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