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Cake Fest! Web series idea and first episode


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Hey all! I've had the idea for a LONG time to do a movie review web series where I would take on sex based films(stuff like Sex Tape, 50 Shades of Grey, The American Pie films) but from an asexual view point. Kind of like an asexual version of the web series Needs More Gay! With 50 Shades of Grey coming out I said, okay, it might not work, but I've got to review this(simply because I wanted to see if it really was THAT bad) so I might as well try out my idea when I'm at it. So here is a break down of the idea and here is the first episode.

Warning though, since in my mind 50 Shades did have an abusive relationship I kind of have to talk about abuse and rape. So trigger warning for the episode itself.

The idea:

And the first episode:


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I love the concept--it's a great idea and I really enjoy the energy you bring to your videos. However, I have some constructive criticism on the first episode:

You kind of repeat the same few ideas over and over, and a lot of the video is just a few static images. I suggest finding more things to talk about, as well as changing the images more often--or even just showing yourself talking to the camera for most/all of the video. It's kind of boring to just be staring at a single picture for a minute or more. Also, it would be cool to try to incorporate the "asexual perspective" throughout the review, instead of just at the end. Maybe you can talk about why sexual people might want to see the movie, then compare that with the reasons asexuals might want to see it.

The only movie I've seen that I can think of that's really stupidly sexual is What's Your Number? You might want to consider adding that to your list of movies to review for this series.

Overall though, great idea and I want to see what you do next!

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what a good idea. I'm on my mobile now but when back on my laptop, i'd like to check it out. Essentially this post is a reminder :)

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Thanks Vivaldi. I thought doing pictures would make it look more professional. When I talk into the camera, well, it's often just me doing a blog and that kind of thing. Most review shows, show parts of the film to do the review. I'm really not sure how to do this, cause I don't know what I'm doing, and then there is the whole copy right thing.

This was all off the cuff to see if it could work at all. Next time around I will likely make a check list or script to make sure I don't repeat myself.

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I wanna watch it, but as I have no headphones I'll have to wait until my mother is out. This post is also a reminder. :P But what you're doing sounds like a good idea.

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i think its a good job, cheers and thanks for posting eched :)

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Really insightful, thank you. Still not gonna see it. Lol

It doesn't look as good as Nymphomaniac. Truth be told I really enjoyed that movie, the sex scenes seem to me and exercise in futility, but we can understand why the characters are so damaged.

It also had a character that was asexual, until the very end where it gets incredibly insulting if you are asexual.

Thanks for Sharing was also good. Made me glad I am gray asexual.

I hope you have many more movies to review. Look forward to seeing more Cake Fest.

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Wow, thanks for taking my suggestion! I enjoyed hearing your opinions, especially how it relates to your experiences as an asexual person--I didn't think of that at all when I saw the movie!

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Yeah, I liked it a lot to, and also wished she had ended up accepting herself and realizing she didn't need to live up to anyone's expectations.

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