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Leading a discussion on asexuality!


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So this week I'm leading a discussion on asexuality for a queer peer support group at my university.

I was just hoping to pick everyone's brains for good discussion questions to ask!

We want to talk about what asexuality is, types of attraction and relationships and expectations (if we get around to it).

So far most of what I have is very talking at people, and I want to make it more discussion based!

(An example of questions are, "Do we think there is a hierarchy of attraction in the world?" or "How does asexuality change a relationship and its emotional attachments?"

Any ideas?

Thanks :)

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Considering how society is today I can see how many individuals will feel that their is a Hierarchy of Attraction. Even though I am bias and feel that aces showed be on top, I believe many people will feel that Heterosexual attraction would be at the top. Then followed by Homosexual, Bisexual, pansexual, then the aces.

My list: 1. Aces

2. Gray-A

3. Cross Orientation Sexuality

4. Romantics

5. Bi

6. Heterosexual

7. Homosexual

8. Pansexual

If you are in a relationship with another romantic asexual I believe emotions will change for the best and the relationship and the will be a better bond.

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What if you started the discussion by asking people to imagine that they live in a world where asexuality is the norm, and go a little bit into their daily lives. Then ask questions about sexuality, e.g. How does sexuality change a relationship and its emotional attachments? Is sexuality just a phase?

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Moving this thread from Asexual Musings and Rantings to Visibility and Education Projects.

Naosuu, Asexual Musings and Rantings Co-mod

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