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AVEN issue in Ladybeard Magazine


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I have been in contact with Sadhbh and am happy to approve the following request for submissions to a AVEN/Asexuality themed edition of Ladybeard magazine. Please send any proposals for a piece to editor.ladybeardmagazine@gmail.com and CC the project team, aven.pt@gmail.com.

-michaeld (AVEN PT)

Ladybeard has the high-quality print and finish of the Glossy Magazine but revolutionises the content. It is beautiful; but we want beauty to mean something different from what it does in mainstream media. Ladybeard is an antidote to the toxic feminine and masculine ideals promoted by womens magazines. We are feminist but we are not just for women. Ladybeard platforms the voices you wont hear in mainstream womens media; voices of people who are non-caucasian, gay transgender, disabled. Working in themed issues, we open up tired media favourites like The Body and Sex to vital new perspectives.

We want to reflect the modernity and diversity of contemporary society, in all its shapes, sizes and sexes. We want to play with gender, sexuality and identity, rather than dictate their terms. And this all starts with our name, Ladybeard.

For our long coming Sex Issue I would love to have a piece for or by members of AVEN. In a recent article for The Toast, Julie Decker talks about her experience as an asexual and living with the fact that we've replaced a world in which a woman couldn't be sexual with a world in which she must be. Im looking for pieces that react to this experience of imposed sexuality and the difficulty of trying to prove a negative desire. It could be any genre from the more playful to the scathing, I want to hear from you. Ive included our more general blurb below for some more inspiration.

Please send your proposals for a piece to editor.ladybeardmagazine@gmail.com by the 31st January, and I will send back a specification according to the type of piece.


Founding Editor

"The SEX issue looks at sex in the sexual, reproductive, romantic, mind-blowing, disappointing, traumatic, formative sense. We are raised to think that men and women are inherently different, that our gender is defined at birth, and that sex is the heteronormative act of penetration. This issue will challenge these assumptions, opening them up in the printed domain. We want to celebrate the beautiful and the gross; to hear about personal anecdotes and then to read some quality erotica; to see what an arsehole really looks like then to view a visually spectacular photograph. Sex is a big topic, and this is set to be a big-ass issue. Give it to us.

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I emailed the editor an article I wrote; waiting to hear back.

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