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Unexpected Kiss: Indifference


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Hello Friends,

Yesterday I kissed my QP partner for the first time. It was unexpected, and I wasn't planning it to [ever?] happen in our relationship. I asked if I could kiss her neck (we've set boundaries that its alright to kiss but not on lips [neck, fingers, hands, forehead, cheek, ex]). I ended up reaching up to kiss her cheek, but she moved and we ended up kissing lip-to-lip. I was surprised and mostly confused, but we continued because there was a spark of curiosity between us.

I have kissed a guy years before; it was exciting and "hunger" like.

But my partner and I kissed yesterday [my first girl-girl kiss] and I felt indifferent. Like I was just going through movements and exploring in an innocent way.

By the way, the guy I kissed I was romantically attracted to (crush) and her and I are platonic (squish).

Am I getting this indifference towards kissing her because there is no romantic attraction (crush vs. squish), or because she's a girl? Can people have different reactions to kissing different genders?

I wouldn't mind kissing her again, it wasn't a bad experience, but it wasn't exciting.

Should I tell her about this lack of attraction? This lack of spark? That I am indifferent? Because she really got emotionally connected and felt as if she became closer to me, but I feel indifferent. Nothing sprung forward, but nothing bounced back.


UPDATE: We talked about it, set boundries, and now we're doing great! Thank you all :blush:

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It sounds like it could either be because there's no romantic attraction or no sensual attraction

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Conscientious Ghost

It started out with a kiss, and then it ended up like this (sorry, I wanted to say that).

I don't know whether you're getting this indifference from kissing her because there's no romantic attraction or because she's a girl. However, I can say people can and do have different reactions to kissing different genders. Do whatever you feel is comfortable and best for the relationship between you and your QP partner. If you feel like discussing your thoughts and feelings about your reactions to kissing her would help her, go forth. I don't think I can suggest what you should and shouldn't do because I don't have experience with these kind of relationships and my similar experiences aren't a one-size fits all to yours.

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It could be any number of reasons. Maybe you're not romantically attracted to girls. Maybe you're just not romantically attracted to your QP. Maybe you just weren't in a mood to be kissed.

If you've ever kissed another girl and had that same rush you did when you kissed that boy, it's not gender specific.

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Love (if non selfish) truly makes one very vulnerable...

Something that shouldn't be exploited by ANYONE.

[This vulnerability are often also perceived as "Butterflies in ones stomach"]

It is known that the emotional attitude our mind connects with our loved persons makes us anticipate any body contact.

(Very sensitive fingertips, suddenly realizing your own body more intensively, feeling VERY warm, wanting to caress that person gently => can feel paralyzing if that person isn't there and the urges stay unsatisfied)

It literally *changes* the softness of your lips and your whole body might tremble when kissing that person cause it is linked to strong emotions.


I think if I kissed/was kissed by anyone but that one person I currently like, It'd probably feel like a dog slobbing my face/ feel very disgusting.

A kiss is generally a fully body experience (weak knees for example).

The proper mindset is indeed - everything.

A kiss is also said to be more intimate than sex could ever be, so... yeah

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