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On Cursing


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I have a really foul mouth. Pretty much anything goes except the "c" word. I can't stand that. :)

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I curse pretty often on twitter and tumblr, quite frequently in my head, rarely out loud, and occasionally on here and other forums. The more I curse the more comfortable I am somewhere usually haha

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I swear especially when I'm by myself and no one is around to hear me, like when I'm in my car. Other ways I gauge it on the other person unless something really shocks me into saying something.

Nothing to do with ace though.

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I'm really, really bad about cursing. I have to restrain myself a lot. About the only thing I won't say is the n-word. I don't think it has anything to do with my orientation, though :D

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My mom doesn't like to hear swearing, so I temper myself. I won't drop an f-bomb around her, and I won't generally say curses unless I'm pretty angry or I'm reiterating a story or quoting someone for her to hear.

Elsewhere and especially online, I don't curse like a sailor. I curse enough to shame a sailor. It's really bad, haha.


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I'm another one who never picked up cursing when I was younger, still have trouble even writing or saying swear words, but don't mind if other people swear occasionally if the occasion calls for it (something really bad happens or because it's part of some conversation, such as George Carlin's old comedy bit about words you can't say on television). When it's over-used though it just becomes noise. Also, I don't think it has anything to do with me being asexual. :)

I'm more likely to say things like "Fudge", "Darn", "Drat", or even "dagnabbit" or "razzafrazzin". :P

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Do you think this has to do with asexuality?

It does for me, I think. I've had some situations where someone thought I was sexual because my cursing had a lot of sexual language that was graphic and creative. I got tired of people getting the wrong impression, so I don't do it as much anymore.

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On a scale of 1 - Satanic on the curse scale, I'm Malcolm Tucker.

I make up swear words and phrases, I'm that bad.

I'm a bad bad person haha, practically every other word out of my mouth in a normal conversation is a curse!

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On a scale of 1 - Satanic on the curse scale, I'm Malcolm Tucker.

I make up swear words and phrases, I'm that bad.

I'm a bad bad person haha, practically every other word out of my mouth in a normal conversation is a curse!

Aw, man, yes. I'm the same way, generally when an object angers me (like, for example, my Wii Remote not working the way I wanted it to earlier, probably because of my own errors) or when I hurt myself. I'm as bad then as the Sweary Scotsman, hahaha.

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I curse like a sailor :)

HA! I open this thread and this was the first thing I saw, even before the OP.

I learned to swear from my parents (because of course), or so I thought. Then I met my best friend and his mother. Ahhh...to be so enlightened in the art of cursing ^_^

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On a scale of 1 - Satanic on the curse scale, I'm Malcolm Tucker.

I make up swear words and phrases, I'm that bad.

I'm a bad bad person haha, practically every other word out of my mouth in a normal conversation is a curse!

Aw, man, yes. I'm the same way, generally when an object angers me (like, for example, my Wii Remote not working the way I wanted it to earlier, probably because of my own errors) or when I hurt myself. I'm as bad then as the Sweary Scotsman, hahaha.

The best ones are always the really creative ones you come up with when you do something like smack yourself in the face with the remote control. :D

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I swear in French. I don't think more details are needed. ;)

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Personally, I don't see any reason to curse and prefer the image of no cursing. Other people think I have something against cursing though, which I don't, and constantly correct themselves around me, then look surprised if I'm quoting something with swearing in it. Oh well.

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I personally don't see anything intelligent in cursing. If you want to insult someone, there are more creative ways to do it without cursing.

That, and even at 20 years old, my mother demands that I "do not use such foul language" when I say the words shut up.

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I curse. I wouldn't say a lot, but fairly regularly . . . probably more than I should. However I make it a point to research curses and swears before introducing them to my vocabulary. For instance, I absolutely refuse to say b**** or f*** because both are highly insulting to women (nor do I appreciate hearing those or similar terms, and I may be prone to lecturing the speaker on women's rights, feminism, and lexical syntax).

But fun fact? Cursing is actually healthy. Especially when stressed or in pain, research shows that the act of cursing produces some sort of emotional release that helps to alleviate negative symptoms. And d***, do I sound like a nerd right now . . . .

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I like to say "stuff happens", because it isn't all bad - some of it is good and some is indifferent. :)

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I curse. I wouldn't say a lot, but fairly regularly . . . probably more than I should. However I make it a point to research curses and swears before introducing them to my vocabulary. For instance, I absolutely refuse to say b**** or f*** because both are highly insulting to women (nor do I appreciate hearing those or similar terms, and I may be prone to lecturing the speaker on women's rights, feminism, and lexical syntax).

Sorry but how is calling someone a dog, or using a word that often is used as an exclamation an insult to women?

I understand the insult about a dog is often said to women, but do you mind explaining how the the last one is offensive in this regard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm the same way as you. Cursing doesn't bother me at all when I hear it or read it or something, but I really never curse. Its just not me. The only time I ever really curse is if I am singing along to a song I like with curse words in it but only if I am alone. I don't think anyone has ever heard me curse...

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Half of my friends are appalled by my language, or they used to be. Now I think they switch it off. I barely think about it. I do swear a lot though. It kind of started at school when kids used to make fun of my accent and anything I said to them they'd just parrot back at me so when I started swearing at them they actually took me seriously, and the habit stuck. Plus I was a very angry little kid. I avoid words that are offensive to a particular group of people (like racist words, homophobic words etc), and if someone says they don't like a particular word I try not to use it around them either, but around my friends I just kind of swear constantly. The best is when other people (I'm not very good at it), come up with very creative curses. My dad swears a lot too.

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I probably curse the most out of all my friends, so much so I don't even really notice that I am using them. The only time I don't curse is in front of my parents and grandparents.

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I grew up with a mother, who I recall, said to me at least once, "Don't fucking cuss!"

So, naturally, my mouth is dirtier than the floor of a bar bathroom after Cinco de Mayo.

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You know, I don't mind cursing at all, but I can't seem to do it myself. I always stop myself or say something else. I hear curse words in music and movies and I don't cringe (most of the time) or feel uncomfortable. A lot of my favorite comedies are filled with 'em. But I can't just be like "he's a p**sy"; it just can't come out of my mouth. I don't know why. I don't think it's because I'm asexual.

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I, too, don't like cursing.

It's just not a "me" thing to do.

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I curse mostly when I'm angry, frustrated or when something bad happens. But I also sometimes use more profane words as intensifiers. Polish language is full of very "creative" words for such use ;)

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Squirrel Combat

I don't mind reading curse words or hearing other people say them. However, I do try to avoid cussing when around other people.

But when I'm alone...I swear like a fucking motherfucking fucked up Jesus fucking bitch ass son of a bitch God fucking damn shit bastard in motherfucking fucked up Goddamn hell!!


Whooo! :P Pardon the French! :rolleyes: I don't think my asexuality has been an influence on my language. It's just polite to not cuss excessively in public, at least I think so.

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I just prefer to keep those words out of my vocabulary especially when there's better things to say.I just don't think it's cool and it's a bad habit to get into.

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I curse like a sailor :)

I curse worse than one :blink:

I'd say to bite my shiny metal ass, but people may not get the joke if they can't see that Bender is your avatar. ;-)

Me, I could make a sailor blush with my vocabulary. I'm like a Picasso of vulgarities.

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I don't swear, but it's basically because I don't like the sound of the words. I do say bloody, though, which is a swear in some areas but not in others. Hopefully Americans are allowed to use that awesome word.

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