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Uncomfortable with public displays of affection?


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This thought was brought up to me a little while ago and wondered what other's thought about it. How do you feel about public displays of affection?

Personally, even if i'm close to the people who are preforming them I always felt a little irked by it and never really understood why. I can handle a simple peck or hug but when people go further I always feel a little out of place, especially if I don't have anyone else to chat to or turn my attention to. :/

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I do not care much about PDAs but a lot of it can be irritating for obvious reasons, such as being ignored by friends, feeling lonely as a result, the PDA being vulgar, etc.

So basically I mean that I do not care if my friend holds hands with his/her partner, but I would care if he/she made out with said partner right in front of me without a care in the world, ignoring me completely (the situation being they started while I was hanging out with one or the other, not that I walked over to them and expect them to drop everything and pay attention to me).

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When I see them, one thing I definitely don't feel is jealousy.

Fortunately, my friends aren't the type of people who will start publicly displaying affection and ignoring their friends. I would be insulted.

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PDA is also a bit of a issue with me as well, I can agree with you. Although I'm really affentinete too, so it's wierd.

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Actually snogging each other on the LRT. Yep, don't like it. A kiss on the cheek to say hi or goodbye? That's fine.

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I remember being at this concert a few years ago and this couple was making-out like crazy in my line of vision. It was a very small area so there was no escape from it except to stare at the floor. I would have gone over and asked them politely if they could please not do that if I didn't think it would somehow backfire on me and get me assaulted/ berated at. I was having fibromyalgia pains and was in no condition to get into a confrontation.

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I've always felt uncomfortable seeing it too. The other day I was watching Captain America Winter Soldier and there's a scene where someone says, "Kiss me. Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable." And sure enough the spy that was after them didn't see them because he immediately turned away when they started kissing. So I guess it's not just us haha.

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I don't like any kind of affection, especially in public, makes me feel sick.

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I wouldn't do it with someone I was in a relationship with, but I don't particularly care what other people choose to do.

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It's kind of annoying to see. Especially if they get in your way or are loud about it. The concept of it I don't really care about either way but dealing with it in person is a pain. Affection alone is fine. Hugs, quick kisses, holding hands etc. I always think that stuff is cute to look at.

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I do not like public displays of affection. I feel like couples should grope, kiss, and generally make out in the privacy of a room with a door. When I do happen to see some PDA, I'm annoyed and somewhat disgusted. I always think 'get a room'.

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I hate it personally and I hate being put in the position where someone is kissing or touching /me/ in public. It's just difficult.

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I'm generally okay with friendly hugs and a quick kiss to say hi/goodbye (it's used a lot here where I live, it's considered almost rude not doing it).

If it's about me I'd rather avoid even those (I never do it first and always wait for others) but if it happens it's not a big deal.

I find absolutely disgusting when couples make out in public.

A lot of times I happened to be stuck in a bus/train journey with people sticking their tongues in each other's mouth, plus sounds.. right sitting in front or standing next to me.


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^^^^^^^ laughing hard at that GIF

For me if it's a quick kiss I'm not bothered but plain ol' making out is just unnecessary and uncomfortable to look at it. (Also I hate when people say, "if you don't like it, don't look" but sometimes you can't avoid things like that when it's all up in your face, you know?)

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I love that GIF, man, and it accurately sums me up most of the time. What I really hate is the smacking noise when people kiss. It drives me nuts, and it seems when people make out and stuff, especially in public, it's like they're feasting on an entire banquet. It just makes my skin crawl and I don't even like thinking about it now; I don't know why but honestly.

I just don't like PDAs at all. It makes me jealous and annoys me, and it really irritates me whenever I'm trying to take someone's order at the restaurant in which I work and they giggle and hold one another, whispering to each other, caressing each other, kissing one another. It's not very appropriate?? and I have to just stand there and watch. I can't leave because oh no!! what if they suddenly want to order??

And then what generally happens is they have no idea what they want and they take even longer to order, continuing their PDA as they go with no apologies or excuses for their behaviour.

Really frustrating, haha.

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Being in the same room as a couple (unless they're married or something) makes me extremely uncomfortable. It might have something to do with feeling like a third wheel, but I look away when people in movies or on tv kiss, too, so I might have slight romantic repulsion. Maybe strong aversion to public displays of affection have to do with being romance repulsed? (I'm assuming that's a thing, because being sex repulsed is a thing)

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Mostly Peaceful Ryan

I don't mind other people showing each other affection in public or kissing. I just keep my head phones on and walk on don't even think twice about it. For me personally holding hands and hugs are the only affection i can show in public though

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I don't mind if people are holding hands or do one quick kiss, and that's what I'd be comfortable with myself. There was this one young couple who always took the same bus as me for about a week, and they were so sleepy they just napped on each other until their stop. I thought that was so cute.

HOWEVER! Lately I've noticed a trend where couples kiss each other every couple minutes. Like they're just chillin, talking, and then *kiss*, then talking, then *kiss*... It drives me nuts!! It's right along with straight up making out. Like, stop. I feel bad for getting irritated, but it's just something I don't need in my face.

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I dont like them personally the most i would do/do with my wife is a soft peck on the cheek/hand/forehead and hugging, anymore than that is too much and seeing more than that is just blah.

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I hate PDAs too! So unnecessary! One of my friends and her boyfriend are always sitting on each other, cuddling, kissing, holding hands, whispering in each others' ears, etc. when we are all hanging out as a group - and it makes everyone else uncomfortable because they are the only couple and the rest of us don't care for that kind of thing. I find it especially traumatizing but have come to accept that that is just what they do. <_< In general, though, PDAs in real life and in movies make me super uncomfortable and I try to look away. Even seeing couples holding hands in the hallway of my high school or university makes me squirm inside. Normally, I like hugging my best friends and am not self-conscious about this in public, but I have a close male friend who insists on hugging me at school and it makes me very uncomfortable - and not just because backpack hugs are awkward.

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A few years ago I was with some friends at a local amusement park when I saw two guys making out. I said something like it was gross and they should get a room, and one of the friends I was with started giving me grief saying I was homophobic. A while later, I saw a guy-girl couple swapping spit and I said something about how that was gross, too, and I felt like people need to do that stuff in private.

PDA really makes me uncomfortable, whether it is strangers or friends. I feel like people keep getting bolder on what they will try to get away with in public, and sometimes it seems like people are practically having sex in public and no one blinks!

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I respect people's right to have PDA, but watching it makes me feel a little revolted.

The last boyfriend I had (never dating a boy again) was very fond of PDA and complained incessantly if I didn't allow him to touch and make out with me whenever and wherever he wanted. I felt so humiliated every time it happened and I still feel ashamed of giving in.

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Personally, I'd much rather enjoy a private moment alone. But small displays of public affection like a little kiss or holding hands is fine by me :)

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