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Can I call myself bisexual?

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So I've been identifying as demi-biromantic gray-asexual for a long time now and... as you can obviously tell, this label is pretty long. Now I know some people like having long labels, and that's cool. Do yo' thing!
But, unfortunately I am not one of those people and having such a long label doesn't really make me feel comfortable.
But even so, do you think I could simply call myself a bisexual rather than demi-biromantic gray-ace? Or would that be misleading?

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i feel like that is something only you can decided for yourself as a preference. if the label is too long you can always do what i do with my asexual pan-romantic -ness. i call myself asexual, then when a relationship develops i touch on the pan-romantic bit. for you you could always call yourself bisexual, and if ever you find yourself in a situation where clarification is required (like relationships or if someone seeks something from you along lines where it would matter) you can explain the demi-biromantic gray-asexual aspects of who you are. labels to me always meant to be something that would be a quick way to simplify a complex idea for conversational purposes. you are still you no matter what you call yourself. a rose by any other name so to speak. so if you wanna call yourself bisexual to me it isn't misleading at all. you only need explain the rest if it becomes pertinent to a relationship, platonic, romantic, or otherwise. again, only something you can decide and i merely state my opinion here...

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Well yeah sure, I don't see why not. I'm hetero grey ace, grey ro and still call myself straight,so I don't see why you can't use whatever label you want. Only you know what you're comfortable with and where your limits lay, so do whatever you feel comfortable or find easier for you.

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You can call yourself whatever you want! It's totally up to you. A way to shorten it (if you do wanna differentiate from bisexual) would be demi-bisexual or gray-bisexual, if you want. But yeah, a label is a label...it can be what you feel comfortable with, and you're the one that defines it. I agree with what was already said in responses, too. : )

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Call yourself whatever you want; if it ever becomes relevant, you can expand on that and I doubt anyone would accuse you of having lied. When deciding which bits to share, keep in mind that here on AVEN our first questions usually concern how and how much you're attracted to people, while out in the real world people just want to know whom you're attracted to.

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Huh. It does get long when we use a reasonable divide between romatic and sexual orientations. I'd say, if it feels true to yourself then go with it; it doesn't need to cover everything, it just needs to not contradict everything. So, biromatic maybe?

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as a demipanromantic demisofarpansexualwhomostlylikesdudesbutdamngirlsarecute, I just go by queer. or, in front of those i dont want to know, straight. but you dont need to ask anyone what to label yourself. you are who you are.

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