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What did that dream mean?


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Here's how to play!

Poster One shares something strange that they recently dreamt about. (or you can just make something up)

Poster Two gives them some advice or predicts their future, then posts a dream of their own.

I'll start:

I dreamt of a field filled with blue tiger lilies.

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Lillies in dreams can mean the dreamer has faced an ordeal and been vindicated with the soul remaining whole and intact.

Similarly, having been through an ordeal where one's innocence has been sullied, a lily can mean a return to innocence.

A dream lily may mean a natural and easy move from an old way of life into a new space wherein one feels rejunventated, reborn, and ready to take on the world.

Dreaming of lilies is a good thing :)

I dreamed a meercat named Albert took up permanent residence on my head and shoulders. Giving out sarcastic advice and comments.

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  • 1 year later...

You have a weight on your shoulders and your mind that you can't shake off and it is keeping you from accepting yourself and being who you are meant to be. Once you stop listening to the meercat and be who you truly are it will realize how happy you are and get off you but remain by your side.

I dreamed i was running through an open field fighting an ex-girlfriend while being watched by people on television, and then when i defeated her i held her arms down, i apologized for something, we looked into each other's eyes, then i started kissing her and she kissed back.

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