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A Good Reply To The "Hormones" Response


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"Many asexuals have had their hormones tested and have been found them to be within normal levels. Some asexuals have undergone hormone therapy for other conditions and have not reported any change in their sexual orientation. In general, asexual people do not experience any of the other signs of a hormone imbalance (hair loss, erectile dysfunction, depression, hot flashes, etc.), so even when they havent been specifically tested, they can be reasonably sure that their hormones are in order. Also, a loss of sexual interest due to a hormone imbalance is often sudden, while an asexual person typically has never experienced sexual attraction for their entire lives, so its not like anything was lost, because it was never there."

Source: http://www.asexualityarchive.com/things-that-are-not-asexuality/

Especially the part about not experiencing any other symptoms. When my mom was obsessing over the possibility of hormone problems, I sent her this and she seemed to calm down. Thoughts?

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I saw this before and I think it is quite good. I have had my hormones tested both before and after I discovered asexuality, the results were always normal. So. I think thi article is very accurate.

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I had my hormones tested years ago when I was in a relationship but couldn't feel the same desires as my partner. Least to say nothing was found. But even this doesn't stop people from trying to diagnose what is wrong with me >.>

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I see no point in having my hormones tested.. I have a libido, experience arousal, masturbate, love intimacy and sensuality with my partner.. I just don't want/need/desire the actual act of partnered sex.. it's just not something I'm interested in or that I enjoy when I do have it.. however it's rather obvious my hormones are working just fine :p

Interestingly enough, I discovered the other day that researchers have studied asexuality (as an orientation) in non-human animals, and found that 3% of male rats are asexual, and as much as 12.5%-18.5% of male rams are asexual (meaning they show no interest in having sex when presented with a female who is 'in breeding mode') The researchers could find no difference in the hormones (testosterone levels mainly) of the asexual animals compared to the hormones of the animals who enthusiastically had sex (either with opposite gender, same gender, or both genders).

They also tried adding higher levels of testosterone into the asexual animals (testosterone is the sex-drive hormone in male animals... I think?) and there was no difference in the asexual animals behavior. They just showed no interest in sex.

yay for asexual non-human animals heh :cake:

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I was in the midst of depression/anxiety disorders so my doctor thought my asexuality was because of that. Took some testing to convince them its just my brain wired differently and past trauma.

Just cause I got horomones and I'm asexual doesn't mean I'm broken!

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It's also worth noting that it's also the other way, people who do have hormonal problems aren't always asexual. A friend of mine has a hormone-related disorder where her body doesn't produce the necessary hormonal stuff for reproduction and she has no monthly cycles unless she takes supplements for it, and generally doesn't, and she's still far more sexual than I am and will be complaining about not having had any sex in however long while I'm just kind of:

'Oh, that's a thing? Yeah I never feel that. *goes back to making clay animals*'

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