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Where did you first hear about the term "asexual"?

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Years ago on some forum but with the wrong definition "Asexuals lack sex drive" which put me off from identifying as asexual. It took me a while to learn the official definition.

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ranting ferret

kept sending questions to a friend of mine with a sex therapy degree. she said some of my questions made her think of asexuality and suggested looking through aven.

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I just googled what I thought my issues were and voila, I saw the word asexual. I read up on it and thought hey, maybe I'm not actually broken.

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A friend of me mentioned it on Facebook and I thought I might be asexual after looking up some information on Wikipedia (which is very simple explained, it states that there are 4 categories of asexuals). Eventually I googled some more and found the asexual archive. Both that site and Wikipedia linked to Aven and Aven appeared in my Google search so it would be impossible to skip this site. :p

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I was bored one night and on Google and one thing lead to another and I found myself reading about asexuality on Wikipedia. Needless to say, I thought it fit me.

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I saw an article written by an asexual man. I don't know where it was... probably something that popped up on my facebook or pinterest. But when I read it, I really identified with him. I went to google and typed in "asexuality", and AVEN popped up. Here I am! :)

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It was about nine years ago. I was on TrekBBS, a Star Trek board, and someone mentioned AVEN and asexuality. I checked it out, and said "THAT'S what I am!"

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A completely different forum, I must've been about 16 or so. I thought they were joking. Then I realised they weren't. I guess I didn't think much of it because I didn't realise it was different from aromantic and the distinctions between different types of attraction

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I think it was when I was looking at Tim Gunn's wikipedia page, and it mentioned that he identified as asexual, and I read the wiki article and things clicked in my mind!

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I first heard about asexuality on a role-play site that I was on. The first time I had it explained to me the person did a very bad job at it, describing celibacy, and saying sex isn't a choice. Ya, I was confused about it, not believing in it myself for about a month, before discovering the true meaning of it, and realizing it described me. Until that point I had believed that no women actually wanted sex, and just faked it for an 'equality' standpoint. I feel horrible about it now, but, there's not much I can do about my past self.

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About two years ago I went on Google and searched up why I wasn't interested in sex, since all my friends seemed to start becoming more and more interested in the subject but I couldn't really wrap my head around the whole thing. I saw an article about asexuality so I clicked on it and after reading a bit, I thought to myself "That sounds a lot like me". I didn't really do much research after that until around March of this year when my interest in sex still hadn't changed.

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When I was 14 my friends would talk about sex and love and how much they wanted it. It was then that I realised I had never experienced these feelings that everyone was talking about, so I hopped on google and searched "what is it called when someone doesn't want sex" and this came up https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110402154334AAjm2EP

after a few years of just reading posts every now and then I finally built up the courage to make an account and set in stone that I was an asexual.

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I don't remember exactly how i heard of asexuality, i think it was on instagram or tumblr was where i heard of it

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A few years ago I was chatting with a friend and I mentioned how I seemed to be the only person I knew who wasn't interested in having sex, and she said that I must be asexual. Then I saw the word on Tumblr too, so I looked it up and realized that it fit me perfectly ^_^

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I can't really remember how I heard about it, but I do know I have always been fascinated by asexuality and could also understand a lot of it, while other people in my enviroment said things like: 'asexuals just need a good shag' and 'they just have not met the right partner'.

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About ten years ago, I was in high school, and my group of my friends were mostly bi. They would (as teenagers do) crack dirty jokes, and I never got them, ever. It was commonly known in the group I had no interest in sex. One day after someone had made one of these jokes, and I was trying not to look too confused, a friend of mine said in conversation "of course she doesn't get it, she's asexual". And I accepted that term without any further need for looking it up, I didn't "come out" (I still haven't except to my mum a few months ago, who, when I started talking to her about how people have a lack of interest in sex, said "Yeah, asexual") I never felt the need to. I was happy just existing as I was, without any explanation to anyone. It didn't bother me in the slightest, it was just a word to describe a facet of me. Until a few months ago, when I decided to Google "asexual" and see what the results were, I didn't know it was so common and there was so many variations/the asexual spectrum.

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I was googling "too independent to care for romance or sex?" and somehow wound up here lol

Thanks Google.

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I was reading some fan fiction and one of the tags was "asexual" so I went to look it up. I realized that I fit into the description. And then I googled "asexuality" and found this site. :)

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