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talking to guys?


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I didn't really know where to post this because it is both regarding my gender and my romantic orientation, but I think it fits best here.

So almost everytime I talk with a guy, I get nervous, as if I have a crush on him, which is véry annoying, most of the time I just want to be his friend, but it's like my brain is like, HE IS A BOY!! YOU HAVE A VAGINA!! MUST!! BE!! LOVE!!, and I don't really know what it is. It is making me very insecure about my gender, because I don't have that with girls, at all, and does that mean I am "just" a girl, because I only have female friends and barely hang out with guys, even though I feel like I am more on the masculine side of the gender spectrum(fluctuating between agender and demi-boy actually).

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I know, I have a similar problem, but not only with guys, it's hard for me to talk to girls that I don't know either. With guys is more problematic because when I want to befriend one he thinks I flirt or something ,don't know, and asks me out but I want to be only friends.

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this is me but with girls. gets very annoying after a few years of this.

my solution to this: be friend with people that already have a partner and therefore my brain does not get uppity with me and try to confuse the whole thing.

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