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Crush vs. Squish?

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What is the difference between a squish and a crush? Is a squish just like a small crush? is it the same thing as being infatuated with someone?

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As far as it has been explained to me, then a Squish is a platonic crush. So you don't see the person in a sexualised or romantic way.

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No, a squish is a very strong desire for a friendship. You love this friend as much as you love a romantic partner, but the feelings are still friendship feelings, they're simply much more intense than in common friendships.

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Then what is the difference between being infatuated by someone and a crush? and what's a platonic relationship I never really understood that?

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A platonic relationship is an unusually deep friendship. I tend to think about homozygous twins as the closest kind of relationship.

A squish is when you think something like this "s/he's so cool / awesome / adorable, I want so much to be BFFs with him / her !"

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A crush as I understand is having intense romantic feelings for someone and is much the same as infatuation and a squish is having intense platonic feelings for someone.

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I am the Doctor

A squish as I understand is, an intense desire for friendship. You really like or want to spend time with them as a friend and nothing more, and maybe experience similar feelings of sadness/jealousy when that friend is with other friends (not sure about that last part, that's how I understand it, if any one thinks different or agrees let me know)

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I think one of things that distinguishes a crush from a squish is that if it's a crush you wouldn't like it if the other person entered a romantic relationship with someone else (assuming you're monogamous). With crushes there's a desire to be exclusive with that person. With squishes other people don't matter, you just want to be platonically closer to that one person. I've never had a crush though, so I can't say for sure what the difference is.

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I think the others are pretty spot on. I've realised I've probably had quite a few squishes and mistaken them for having a crush on someone. For me crushes are more like getting butterflies when you see them while squishes are more like 'It's my favourite person!!!! I'm going to hug you!' I mean I basically have a squish for one of my friends in my hometown, they're just a generally lovely person and when I talk about them it does seem a little like I'm in love with them but I just really love them in a platonic way. Whereas when I have a crush it's more like 'Oh my god I've just seen them shit they're so cute and I look a mess I need to run away now, but I also want to talk to them...'

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