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Is it just me?

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Is it just me or do you get offended too when somebody attacks the LGBTA community? (Such as making fun of homosexuals)

Because even though I'm asexual I feel like I'm strongly part of that community. I mean, we are all in the category of "other than heterosexual," so when somebody attacks this category (community) as a whole or just parts of it, I feel like they're attacking me too.

For instance, some people say, "homosexuality doesn't exist, they're just delusional." That hurts me, because if they think that about homosexuals they must think that about asexuals too. Does that make sense?

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It makes sense, for just the reasons you say. When people aren't understanding or accepting of one alternate sexuality, they're often less open to the others, too. Also, when you're in the alternative minority, you tend to find friends in the other groups and can get defensive on their behalf as well.

I know someone totally fine with homosexuality but refuses to accept transgenders as legitimate, and it frustrates me to no end. As a result, I'm also less likely to tell them about me for fear of being stigmatized in the same way.

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Shrug, I don't care so much for the attack on LGBTA as much as I think they're intentionally being an asshole. Anyway, getting into an argument with stupid people is one you lose just by joining.

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I would not use the word offended to describe it, but when anybody attacks any other human being in any way, I do not like it. I often understand both viewpoints and it has never helped when people attack each other, and it is rather disheartening to see people so split against their own species.

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I'm in complete agreement.

It's quite unfair.

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I definitely do, especially since, let's be honest, I love the gays, always have. Though sometimes I get a lot of backlash from the lgbt community for my asexuality too...so it's confusing. On one hand I love them and I'm a part of them and I feel attacked when they are attacked....and on the other side, I don't particularly feel welcome in that community either.

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Although i don't consider myself in the LGBT community, I do understand what you're saying. Being part of a community usually brings around some form of comradery or brethereness, and anyone that infringes on that can feel like what you described.

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